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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 290

No.24356722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, do you remember that old game Heroscape? Well I was wondering if any of you /tg/ ers knew a good website for buying Heroscape sets and packs because I wanted to get my little brother into that game. Also by a good website to find heroscape sets and accessories I don't mean ebay or Amazon so please don't suggest it. I mean a website like how robot4less dot com is for Gunpla.

Thank you.

Magical Girl Noir Quest

No.29625354 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You look at your three reflections, before looking back down on your journal. Narrowing your eyes at a particular pair of words that you've circled a couple of times.

'Transcendent One'. Flashiness aside, it does sound like some sort of shitty final boss that you have to beat at the end of the game. And...well, you hate to say it, but as far as malevolent insane goddesses are concerned, Pinky's kind of grown on you a little. You'd hate to have to be the one to put her down. Not that you doubt there'd be a time for it, or that you'd be forced to, but you're not exactly looking forward to it.

Besides, killing a superpowered, godlike version of yourself? That sounds much more appealing. Much more...brutal.
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No.23774187 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So... uh... /tg/, remember that CYOA game with the multiple rooms and item choices? I ripped the shit out of it without any permission, and just kinda re-skinned it to have new items, but am not sure if I should continue since it isn't exactly OC. Would anyone care to see it? In the meantime, CYOA thread.
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No.29615090 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello, and welcome to Curt's CivThread, Act 3: Dawn Of The Rising Sunset.
The threads:
If you're a regular, get in here!
If you're new, you're welcome too.
First, the two golden rules of Civ.
1: Ludicrous nonsense is encouraged! Total bullshit is not. You know what's what.
2: Facilitate funtimes.
Getting fluffy with your posts and getting in character is nice and might add to Rule Two, but if you don't wanna, I'm not gonna penalize you.

Here's the pastebin fulla rules and things. It explains what stats are, what they do, and some mechanics.

If you're new, feel free to distribute three points into your stats.
Lets get rollan!
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MTG Chinaman Cards

No.29584632 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Latest pictures of their dual land production.

Discuss The Chinaman shredding the reserve list and making "cardboard investors" everywhere buttmad.
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No.29565013 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
FLGS/GW employees:

Please share your stories of working. Dealing with gamers, managers, etc. I'd like to hear about it.
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No.29575570 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Quest Runners' Directory (post your Twitter ITT and you'll usually be added speedily, otherwise just message the guy):

Player's Topic: Is it legitimate to vote for all options except for one you specifically dislike, assuming you are not samefagging?
QM's Topic: If you could go back and do things differently, how would you avert a shitstorm which has happened in your quest?

A selection of guides to get aspirants started:
The Quester's Starting Guide by elusive guidefag (If no reply via PM try Twitter).

Stuff about writing things :
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Tyranid Army List Debate and Siscussion General

No.29538659 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The last army list thread was pretty successful.
This thread is for posting and critiquing tyranid lists. I know that almost everyone is disappointed in the book but please direct complaints about the book to one of the other tyranid threads. this thread is for making the best out of what we have.

Make sure to post your list in a aesthetically pleasing way. no one wants to read an unorganized mess of text. the best way to post a list imo is to make it in microsoft word and then use the snipping tool to capture an image. if you dont have MS office you can DL open office for free ( be sure to add commentary for your units choices. the next few posts will be examples of a nice format.

tyranid battle reports
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Magical Girl Noir Quest

No.29576190 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You decide to drop by your Golden Weapon vault.

Second time of the day you're visiting this place. You're going a bit more slowly this time, though, with all the aches and pains from your little encounter with Sayaka flaring up with every step. ...Jesus, you're practically limping the entire way. Pathetic.

You manage to make it there without making an embarrassment of yourself, however. A sigh leaving your lips as the doors slam shut behind you, sealing you in with the most dangerous weapons you've ever laid your hands on.

You pull out the chainaxes from your inventory, and place them back on their proper rack.

Despite everything, Risa wasn't really that bad, you decide. Just a bit wild, but nothing you can't handle--
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Fallout rpg vault ideas/help

No.29558193 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /v/, need some help with my fallout storyline for tabletop. I have a town fighting over a recently discovored vault. When the PC's arrive theyll be asked to investigate to see whats inside while the 2 groups wait outside and keep an eye on each other.
The vault has been sealed since 2077, its roughly 2275-77 (havent decided a yea yet, tho its been 200yrs or so. Several things I wanted to hit home in the vault. a.) Its in pristine condition. b) theres only one vault dweller left. c) the vault dweller doesnt seem quite right. mentally or emotionally.
If you have suggestions or ideas for the experiment in the vault, what went wrong, or what i should change Im all ears.
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