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For House & Dominion: Home Front Quest
You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! When you were still out on the front lines you command the Third Attack Wing, one of the elite units of the House, composed of fast hard hitting Cruisers, Frigates and a few remaining Corvettes. For the past several months you've been enjoying your time away from the front lines, seeing family members, friends and taking care of business ventures.
Last time you set about increasing security aboard your station in light of recent thefts. The perpetrator responsible for selling expired medical supplies has been jailed. He could be locked up for a very long time as some of the drugs he sold could have lead to death.
Funding went through to allow several projects to begin work, from the holo-plex you helped fund to factories that are starting up. Your own munitions plant has begun produsing conventional ammo for chemically propelled ballistic weapons. There are a number of specialty rounds you've been working on as well, some which should be more effective against heavily armored Neeran. Mr London has set about hiring some weapons techs to help in this regard. Until then you've patented the designs and begun to look into other producers that could jointly develop the rounds.
Still, that can wait. With production of the first batch of ammo well on it's way you've snagged the first handful of bullets off the line and proceed to a firing range the military maintains. Mr London is wondering if you wanted to have some reporters show up to help mark the plant reaching production status, but is hesitant as you do own it under a holding company so as to remain distant from future splinter ammo production.
[ ] Reporters
[ ] Better to not be associated
Roll 1d20 to fire off the first rounds.
You are Sonia Reynard, Attack Wing Leader and Knight of the House of Jerik-Dremine! When you were still out on the front lines you command the Third Attack Wing, one of the elite units of the House, composed of fast hard hitting Cruisers, Frigates and a few remaining Corvettes. For the past several months you've been enjoying your time away from the front lines, seeing family members, friends and taking care of business ventures.
Last time you set about increasing security aboard your station in light of recent thefts. The perpetrator responsible for selling expired medical supplies has been jailed. He could be locked up for a very long time as some of the drugs he sold could have lead to death.
Funding went through to allow several projects to begin work, from the holo-plex you helped fund to factories that are starting up. Your own munitions plant has begun produsing conventional ammo for chemically propelled ballistic weapons. There are a number of specialty rounds you've been working on as well, some which should be more effective against heavily armored Neeran. Mr London has set about hiring some weapons techs to help in this regard. Until then you've patented the designs and begun to look into other producers that could jointly develop the rounds.
Still, that can wait. With production of the first batch of ammo well on it's way you've snagged the first handful of bullets off the line and proceed to a firing range the military maintains. Mr London is wondering if you wanted to have some reporters show up to help mark the plant reaching production status, but is hesitant as you do own it under a holding company so as to remain distant from future splinter ammo production.
[ ] Reporters
[ ] Better to not be associated
Roll 1d20 to fire off the first rounds.