I apologize for last night's non-game, I was busier than expected. Also, if anyone knows good picture/map editing programs, I could use them. Mine's terrible. Hello, and welcome to Curt's CivThread 2 Redux: The Second Coming of the Second Coming!
http://client01.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23Nation&server=irc.mibbit.netThe first thread:
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/29286841/If you're from the first game, get your ass in here!
If you're new, I would not mind inspecting your ass as well.
First, a few rules.
1: Ludicrous nonsense is encouraged! Total bullshit is not. You know what's what.
2: Facilitate funtimes.
Getting fluffy with your posts and getting in character is nice and might add to Rule 2, but if you don't wanna, I'm not gonna penalize you.
The character sheet! Here you go.
>Name:>Race:>Color:>Location+Name of capital:>Fluff:Your race and fluff will provide you with a specific bonus to your civ.
Don't fill out this next bit, just put it on your sheet.
>Population: 3You want this. It's good! If you have none, you're dead.
>Food: 3This needs to be close to your population, to feed it.
>Happiness: 10This is good! If it isn't there, the people might get angry at you.
>Defense: 1Adds +5 to defensive rolls in combat!
>Attack: Ditto.
>Military units:The people you fight stuff with! Each adds 1d20 to your combat roll. Special ones can give you specific bonuses.
>Constructions:Stuff you've built! Mostly just a list of stuff, and affects of stuff.
>Resources:Stuff you have to make stuff out of! Most stuff, don't worry about amounts. if you have it, you have it. Another list.
>Civtech:Tech, for civ rolls! A list, again.
>Wartech:Like Civtech, but with war in the front.
>Magic:Your mystic power mumbo jumbo. A list of what you have and what it does.
>Bonus:Every turn, you have 3d100, for 3 actions. 50+ is success, 85+ is big success, 100 is Win. Same balance for failure.
Lets get rollan!