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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 292

No.15467215 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
181MBs of Art, mostly fantasy.

Characters, Monsters, and Landscapes.

Hope you guys like it.
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Song of Swords: Din-ner in Hell

No.29436818 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Share your knowledge of Basque language with us

Update to the alpha:
Halloween Pre-Beta:

Previously on Song of Swords thread:
>innocent looking Dacian wagons
>mysterious Teljuk with no name, that Sarah Gizka genuinely fears
>players with TRoS DMing experience
>GURPS has rules for everything as usual

Previous thread: >>29383988
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No.29444865 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"Alright, everyone! In this setting you'll be playing in, the high elves have fox ears and fox tails, the wood elves have cat ears and cat tails, the dwarves have dog ears and dog tails, the halflings have squirrel ears and squirrel tails, the gnomes have mouse ears and mouse tails, and the orcs have wolf ears and wolf tails!"
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No.29448068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I'm making a Wasteland/Fallout style world and I need some ideas. To give you an idea of the tone, the two last areas I made up were:

1. A group made up of the descendants of American soldiers and their Chinese Prisoners living on the edge of an old pit mine. The descendants of the American soldiers have adopted a strange sort of Spartan like philosophy of basically having every man and women be trained, skilled soldiers while the Chinese are used as laborers and borderline slaves, due to a passed down propagandist view of them. The soldiers use the pit to hold blood sports and hire themselves out as mercenaries in order to keep the community supplied.

2. "Loveless" truck stop (A play on Love's, a common brand of truck stop in the west), a roadside diner surrounded by the husks of ancient trucks. Inhabited by Cannibalistic cultists who worship (and are secretly controlled by) a lovecraftian being living in the Diner's basement. This living god is actually a horribly mutated and obese trucker with powerful psychic abilities but borderline retarded intelligence.

So anything, images, vague ideas, places that are cool or things that you'd like to see, whatever, would help. I've got a lot of map to fill.
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No.29446314 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I apologize for last night's non-game, I was busier than expected.
Also, if anyone knows good picture/map editing programs, I could use them. Mine's terrible.

Hello, and welcome to Curt's CivThread 2 Redux: The Second Coming of the Second Coming!
The first thread:
If you're from the first game, get your ass in here!
If you're new, I would not mind inspecting your ass as well.
First, a few rules.
1: Ludicrous nonsense is encouraged! Total bullshit is not. You know what's what.
2: Facilitate funtimes.
Getting fluffy with your posts and getting in character is nice and might add to Rule 2, but if you don't wanna, I'm not gonna penalize you.
The character sheet! Here you go.

>Location+Name of capital:
Your race and fluff will provide you with a specific bonus to your civ.

Don't fill out this next bit, just put it on your sheet.
>Population: 3
You want this. It's good! If you have none, you're dead.
>Food: 3
This needs to be close to your population, to feed it.
>Happiness: 10
This is good! If it isn't there, the people might get angry at you.
>Defense: 1
Adds +5 to defensive rolls in combat!
>Military units:
The people you fight stuff with! Each adds 1d20 to your combat roll. Special ones can give you specific bonuses.
Stuff you've built! Mostly just a list of stuff, and affects of stuff.
Stuff you have to make stuff out of! Most stuff, don't worry about amounts. if you have it, you have it. Another list.
Tech, for civ rolls! A list, again.
Like Civtech, but with war in the front.
Your mystic power mumbo jumbo. A list of what you have and what it does.

Every turn, you have 3d100, for 3 actions. 50+ is success, 85+ is big success, 100 is Win. Same balance for failure.
Lets get rollan!
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Lawful Stupid Test

No.29146328 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
All right you wannabe paladins, line up! Surprise lawful stupid test.

What you see here behind me is a naturally occurring upwelling of interplanar energy. This one seems to be coming from the vile, evil plane of evil vileness, and- oh, well I'll be, it just spontaneously coalesced into a being of some sort.

Now, don't go firing off any detect evils-GOD DAMN IT, MARVIN, WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT THAT INTERPLANAR ENERGY? Fucking rookies... scoop what's left of it off the ground and find a wizard. Someone get him an eyepatch.

Now, think carefully: she is made of evil. She is also as fresh as can be. This is her first moment of existence. Would you smite her?

…Jenkins, pull your pants back up or so help me this boot of justice will be lodged firmly up your ass. She's like a minute and a half old, man. You don't even know her name.
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Double Cross: Crumbling Days Quest Part 4

!!oVL5tn19p2v No.29443023 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You roll over in the grass, still unused to the uncomfortable feeling of having your face rearrange itself. Staring at the sky, you realize that your life is never going back to the way it was just a few months ago. Today is a repeat of yesterday, tomorrow will be a repeat of today. You feel like Lunatic High's 'defense course' will never end.

It's early morning and once again, Lunatic High has attempted to impart her wisdom upon you by mauling you and leaving your broken body to put itself back together in your back yard. The UGN instructor looms over you, her messy silver locks falling forward and tickling your nose. On her face is a look of absolute disgust, and she crosses her arms while standing back up.

"Weak, Wild Card, weak!"

Here it comes again. You've gotten used to these lectures by now, so you bear it in silence.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You've got to let yourself go! If you keep trying to fight half-assed like that, the Renegade is eventually going to get fed up. You don't want to lose your mind to that virus, do you?"

Yeah, yeah...For the past month, Lunatic High has been telling you all sorts of empty motivational phrases: 'Get wild', 'show your passion', 'cut loose', and other sorts of vague, cryptic advice that you don't think is going anywhere. It's true that you haven't shown any new abilities, despite your efforts, but is that so bad? Wouldn't it be best if you just took it easy and rode this whole situation out?
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Magical Girl Noir Quest

No.29431539 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are a Magical Girl, and you're in the worst dream ever.

Charles' bar - your own personal hideaway and watering hole - is on fire.

It's burning, right in front of you, its door that had welcomed you every night with a creaky resignation locked and chained down, bulging as the inferno raged behind it. Tongues of flame licking up the walls, unfurling from the windows, clawing at the uncaring sky with fingers of choking black smoke. The crackle of timber burning along with the roar of the flames curiously muted, but no less painful to hear.

You'd cry if you could. Even if this was just a dream - or a nightmare, really - you have no doubt that you'd be bawling right about now, curling up into a ball.

No tears now, though. Only silence, as you watched one of your own personal apocalypses unfold right in front of your eyes.
513 posts and 65 images omitted

No.19695503 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /tg !

Please help the french 40Fags with the fearless rule !
Post some scan of the Fearless paragraph of your personnal language ! (italian, germa, spanish).

The fact is, in the french 40K 6th rule book, fearless have an additionnal sentence which is :
"FearLess unit cannot have more than 5+ cover save".
So with that rule for exemple, we got a useless imperial statue, some dancing vindicare, the avatar become the worst stuff, and so tyranids... forever alone together.

We need you /tg !