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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Let's say you beat down an Ork Mob and find a bunch of Imperial-related items like Pauldrons and Helmets and what not among the corpses. Do you suppose you could get in good with the Space Marines if you returned such items to them?
I gotta question. Ulthwe's shtick is that due to enormous reliance on seers they have little Aspect Warriors, but they compensate with the Black Guardians - a highly trained standing militia. However, why don't they just train Black Guardians as Aspect Warriors? If you're going to go to the length of giving extensive training Guardians, why not upgrade them to be Aspects and have them walk the Path of the Warrior? What makes the Black Guardians any different from regular Guardians?
You'd think a craftworld so close to the Eye of Terror that deals with Chaos incursions 24/7 would place even more emphasis on the Path of the Warrior. They could have the best psykers in conjunction with Biel-Tan tier elites, but for some reason decided full time Guardians were the way to go.
You look towards Risa's bouncing silhouette, before shrugging. Sure, why not? A little bit of fun, especially on the blueberry bitch's expense, is alright every now and then. What's she got in mind?
+ Well, seems to me that the both of ya has got some unresolved tension going on, yeah? +
Bit of an understatement there, but you agree.
+ Right! So, all we need is to resolve that, an' then maybe the stick in 'er arse would shimmy itself loose or something. + It's here that Risa's predatory grin seems to grow wider.
+ Now, let's'd that cute-looking girl in pink say this corruption thing goes? Oh, I remember now! 'Ere we go-- +
Wait. Corruption thing? Wait, no, that sounds--
"Murderface? Murderface, hey! EARTH TO MURDERFACE!" Sayaka yells sharply, her voice echoing in the large, empty hall. "You're getting distracted! Plus two hundred swings, using only one hand this time! Come on! One, two! Don't slack off! THREE, FOUR!"
It's here that the world turns red - and you close your eyes as Gorechild roars in your hands.
Any hilarious yet embarrassing experiences /tg/? Here's mine.
>Join new group last month. >Friend is DMing, cool bro. >Playing 3.5 D&D. >Two other players, typical neckbeard and average Joe. >I'm a trap. >I'm told I rate 8/10 as a trap if I wear female clothes. >Average Joe knowns at a glance, DM is obviously aware. >Neckbeard thinks I'm a girl. >We silently agree to mess with him. >Go by Jessica in game sessions. >Even pull off a decent girl voice. >Christmas comes around. >Drinking party with D&D group. >We're drunk as hell. >Neckbeard tries to flirt and touch me up. >TooDrunkToCare >Next morning. >In Neckbeards bed. >Apparently gave him a blowjob, slept in clothes. >He still thinks I'm a girl. >DM will never let me live this down if he finds out. >Next session yesterday. >Neckbeard declares he is no longer a virgin, and we're dating. >DM falls out his chair laughing, so does Average Joe. >Table is flipped in laughing fit. >Neckbeard is confused. >MFW >"I'm a trap dude." in my normal voice. >Neckbeard quits group in shame.
Decent quest threads are constantly overswamped by: Im a teenage lolita who has a dick and a lesbian vampire girlfriend who lives in a highschool that's like all female but not"
How does it feel to be part of a board that will soon rival /b/ with senseless perversion and bs?
Your name is Micheal Groves, and you feel like you're about to die. Once a young man, now a young woman, turned into a magical girl to wish for your manhood back. What you thought was a simple party turned into a game of truth or dare. And then this happens.
Adrianne is no longer wearing her denim dress. She's now in a dark jacket, hoodie, and black jeans, blue eyes angry. In one hand, a black, writing dagger, and all around her the shadows shift over your friends, each of them panting, redfaced and moaning. Carrie doesn't seem as bad off as Thomas and Jean, though, her eyes still carrying a spark of understanding.
"Damnit. I wanted to get this done and just leave, but you Magi bitches pull the most annoying shit." she growls, slowly approaching you. You're half-naked, and frightened.
Hang in there, partner. We can take her on together. You've earned that much!
>Flee. She's insinuated the others will at least live. >Fight. You have to save your friends!