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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 295

Weekend Smut Thread 2: The Search for Lewd

No.29282329 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
All word and pixel /tg/-related lewdness is welcome here, so long as the rules are followed. Writefags, consider pastebin/1d4chan rather than dumping for long stories. Drawfags with uncensored pictures need to host their images offsite and link to them. For those of you visiting from other boards, err on the side of censorbars and what not if you're hesitant. I hear Lewd's just giving them out.
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Quest Thread General /qtg/

No.29285481 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Quest Runners' Directory (post your Twitter ITT and you'll usually be added speedily, otherwise just message the guy):

Player's Topic: Old, dead quests which you would be happy to see rebooted
QM's Topic: Which character in your quest do you enjoy writing the most?

A selection of guides to get aspirants started:
The Quester's Starting Guide by elusive guidefag (If no reply via PM try Twitter).

Stuff about writing things :
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No.29290858 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rolled 53, 92, 56 = 201

Alright Space Nation/Hero builder

You start as a hero and as the game moves on you can forge your own empire


Level: 1
Health: 10/10
Ship Name:
Ship Class: Frigate

Certs (Money): 100

3 actions per turn, roll a 3d100
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No.29261271 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, Yue finished the Double Cross scan, but she's been too scared to post after she was doxxed. Luckily, I'm not Yue.
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The King of Fighters Quest Round 2: Properly Formatted & Tagged Edition

!!duWoi/dS2Nj No.29281776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is this?

The King of Fighters Quest is a developing Choose Your Own Adventure-style quest in which you take on the role of Katja Hartkern, an Austrailian practioner of Kyokugen Karate and guide her towards joining a team for the looming King of Fighter's tournament (Name TBA).

Decisions are made by voting, with the first option to earn up to five or more winning; Combat choices are made via Rolls, with the highest roll winning.

>Previous thread:

>TL;DR Recap:

After waking up from a boozy night partying in an appartment you don't recognize, you slowly do some stretches before getting an urgent call from Yuri Sakazaki, explaining that you had less than 30 minutes to get back to the Dojo or else you would be expelled from future classes... After stealing a Motorcycle that was conviently parked in the appartment's kitchen, you arrive at the Dojo on time, though not without attracting the attention of the South Town Police Department, who attempt to arrest you for Grand Theft Auto.

After seemingly ditching the cops by sprinting through the Dojo's massive main gate (Which closes moments after you enter), you and Yuri catch the end of a fairly serious match between Kyokugen Master Ryo Sakazaki and Tae-Kwan Do Legend Kim Kaphwan, with the outcome decisively in Kim's favour. After watching Ryo get a "Right bollicking" from "Mr. Karate" (Actually Takuma Sakazaki, founder of Kyokugen Karate wearing a Tengu Mask and a different Gi) you decide to challenge him to a fight for the honor of taking on Kim, as well as made plans for a future battle with one of kim's disciples.

Cowed by your brazeness, Mr. Karate & Kim reluctantly agree to your requests, which leads to you squaring off against Mr. Karate... Which hasn't exactly gone very well for you.
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PDFs - Because sharing is caring.

No.24732313 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If anyone needs something, I'll see if I have it or I can find it online for you. Peace
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Justifying Bikini Warriors

No.29235005 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup /tg/, I have a question I wanted to ask.
How do you justify bikini warriors in your games?
No, not to yourself or the GM. I'm not about to moralise or question your preferences. I also don't mean practicality -- you're a hero after all and above such concerns.

No. What I meant to ask is much simpler: Why does your character dress the way she does? Why does she have these preferences, and how does she deal with standing out of a crowd like a sore thumb?
Hard mode: She's neither a bard nor a pervy wizard who genderbent himself.
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No.29243150 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fellows, my google foo is weak, or it just doesn't exist, but I have recently heard about this trading card game called hetacomb and I'm rather interested in it now, but cannot seem to get anything but mere passing mentions of the cards, the game rules, and all the other sort of fun stuff which actually allow you to see how it works and plays.

Having a small project opening to do something, could someone tell me how to play this thing, where can I get a complete card list, and what where their general experiences playing the game?
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Yes, another one of those threads

No.29216456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Soup /tg/. I was dicking around and started reading into the Badab war, and it's pretty interesting shit. Does anyone have a scan of the Imperial Armour issues that cover it?
General scan thread in the meantime.

Double Cross: Crumbling Days Quest

!!oVL5tn19p2v No.29216651 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You sigh.

Today was a repeat of yesterday. Tomorrow will be a repeat of today. Nothing ever changes on this little island of yours. This endless cycle feels like it is going to swallow you up. Even your frustration has become mundane. Once again, you missed the train on your way back home from classes. Normally you would wait for the next train to arrive, but decide to break the monotony by taking the bus at the station.

You climb aboard the bus and fling some cash for the driver, not even bothering to give him a second glance. Too exasperated to care, you grab the first open seat you see, right by the back left wheel, and prop your arm up on the window sill. Your mind wanders to how Professor Earl decided to rant about the UN Security Bill so much that Ramos, the groundskeeper, had to take him out of the room.

You begin to doze off.

"Hey, Captain," a voice reaches your ears, "You late too?"

Huh? Captain? You open your eyes and locate the voice. The dark hair and eyes aren't very memorable, but you the plaid skirt and tan blazer are part of your school's uniform. If she recognizes you, she must be one of your classmates. Her name was...what was her name again? You don't really talk much with your peers so you tend to forget.

This little surprise is throwing you off your game, but maybe you better say something...

>Ask what she meant whens she called you Captain
>Give a non-committal stock response
>Don't say anything, you don't even remember her name.
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