>>29314013>>29314013Your face starts to turn red at what this Bob Marley-looking motherfucker is suggesting and slap him across the face, growling "I ain't that kinda girl!" in a relatively low voice.
You feel the eyes of quite a few of the Cafe's patrons shift toward you as Bobby looks hurt by your actions. "Shit girl, if you're going to act like that you can get the fuck out of my Cafe" He says, his usually happy expression turning a bit cold.
Your eyes widen as you scramble to try and save your face and keep yourself from getting thrown out of one of the biggest meeting places in the local Martial Arts community. "C'mon Mate, you wouldn't understand how many times some wanker would try to do what you just did to me" You stammer as Bobby gives the closest he's ever gotten to having and "Evil Eye" expression on face at you.
"I was going to ask you to show up later tonight and see how good of a fighter you are, but forget it; You can help me clean up for a couple of hours before the dinner rush hits and my main waiters and waitresses show up." He says before heading back into the kitchen.
(End Update)
Well, I thought this was a pretty cool two-day blast, even though I had to close it up early due to time constraints again... I'll start up the next thread Tomorrow, sometime around 1-1:30 PST.
As always, rate, review, whatever; I'm off to get some sleep.