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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 296


Lewd High School Quest (2)

!c1TjLrVNNA No.29212238 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
7 points.
Home: House
Wide Hips.
Luscious Hair.

Angelica Jackson.

Previous Threads (1)

The story so far:
>You have been brought into game you know little about. A powerful being known to you as 'The Man' has turned you into a teenage girl and brought you into a new life. You must survive high school and achieve good grades and become the head of at least one major sports or social club. Expulsion will mean a bad end. You're currently in the midst of a confrontation with a big guy.


'Well...I'm sorry for calling you fat, then' you say.

The big guy looks around to the crowd 'Beat it' he says, and they do.

'Are you new here?' he says, grinning friendily as he crosses his arms over his barrel chest.

You nod.

'Well I can show you around' he says, despite his size he seems to be a little nervous. You remember that happens to guys when they're around hot girls.

>Sure (it wouldn't hurt to make an ally)
>No thanks (walk away)
>'I don't even know your name'
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Humanity, FUCK YEAH

No.29210823 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I posted about a week ago about a story I wrote in /lit/ and they pointed me to here to post this. It's an edit of a short story I wrote, and all I ask is for a critique on what I could do better, or what I've fucked up on. So please, hold nothing back if this isn't to your liking.



This species is short, creative, stubborn, decently intelligent, and individually are weak, yet in numbers are incredibly hardy, robust, and strong. They breed quickly, live short and futile lives, and for the smallest of reasons will kill each other without a second thought. Many have had low expectations of this brutish and barbarous species. They were beneath us more than any other race in terms of culture, art, technology, and social programs so while their least desirables were worked hard and rewarded little, their 'aristocratic' counterparts flocked to the heavens, eager to join the thriving extra-stellar community. Naive to the structure of galactic politics, the Terrans would push themselves onto whatever race would lend counsel to their primitive auditory communications. Many left them to their own devices, shamelessly and rightfully leaving them to the harsh realities of the spacious home we all find ourselves in. We Santari, however, were one of the handfuls of groups that would barter and negotiate agreements with the vermin. We'd trade scraps, derelict and tattered starships, agricultural equipment, and even environmental stabilizing technology to them (the barbarians had done more damage to their home planet than any other in the recorded history of intelligent species) for resources worth many hundred times more than what they were worth.
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Breaker Quest 10

!6gsnTG3P2E No.29172627 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport For the archive. Link to the first thread is in the second one's OP. Follow me on twitter to recieve announcements of future threads! Current character sheet.

You are Micheal Groves, and you just killed a monster. One of your allies lost both her legs, but she doesn't seem to care. You've returned to your home, your girlfriend is with you, and you're ready to turn back.

The door to your room is locked.

You have 7 Darkness, meaning that once you return to normal, you will experience a Vent.

>Return to normal.
>Prepare (writein)
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CYOA: Saiyan Story-Installment #59 of a Quest by Somnius

!!gX5o3MymIpF No.29195841 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is this?

Saiyan Story is a series of Choose Your Own Adventure threads in which you play the part of a saiyan warrior. Decisions are made by vote, with the first option to earn three winning.


Power Level: 6,700,000

Health: Excellent

Ki: 100%


You engaged the clownlike machine, Android 19 in a fierce battle. At first, the two of you seemed evenly matched, neither of you able to gain a decisive advantage over the other. However, Android 19 slowly began to gain the upper hand. The Android bounced back from every attack you launched on him, always ready for more, while you began to grow tired. 19 subjected you to a series of painful attacks, and even destroyed your prized energy enhanced sword, absorbing its power and growing even stronger. Backed into a corner, you tried toe incredibly risky move of using your Kaio-Ken technique while in Super Saiyan form. Ultimately, the risk paid off, as you were able to rip off the Android's arms and crush his head. The battle left you heavily drained, but a Senzu bean from Fita brought you back to full strength. Despite your victory, Android 20 remained confident that he could defeat you, boasting his superiority to Android 19. You claimed to have far more power than you demonstrated, but the Android called your bluff. You then tried to intimidate him by suggesting that there were other Super Saiyans among your companions. Android 20 took this seriously, and with a series of rapid attacks, badly wounded each of them. As you rushed to their aid, Android 20 retreated into the nearby canyon, lying in wait. You pursued, and attempted to locate him by stretching out with your mind. You picked up the presence of a human mind, more specifically that of Doctor Gero, and turned just as he attacked from the shadows.
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No.29181440 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

How many Legionaries would it take to fell a Dragon?
>Dragon is more or less Smaug - Smart and powerful but not a spellcaster
>Legion is attacking a dragon that has been raiding the local province
>Dragon will probably be in its lair - probably a cave or burned out town
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No.29091886 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Posting this 'cause it's new and it disappeared. Discuss as you like.
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Warhammer Fantasy (WHFB) General

No.29065293 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
searched the catalog and found nothing. Warhammer Fantasy thread!
Empire player here, are griffon mounts worth it? Either for a general or an amber wizard lord. I play at 2200 points.

Cool model, cool abilities being able to fly and rip shit apart, but it just feels so vulnerable with no saving throw and at 370+ points it is a huge points sink.
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Breaker Quest 9

!6gsnTG3P2E No.29158243 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport Previous threads Twitter, follow for updates. Character Sheet

You are Micheal Groves. And you're naked. In front of your girlfriend's house. And the whole block can see you. You're shivering, you're cold, and your hands can barely cover you.

"Ara~" murmurs Jean's voice. "You have a bad habit, Mike." she says, walking out of a shaft of light from the porch-light. "I can help you out, but I'll ask a favor later. Or you can get out of this yourself."

She's shining oddly, shimmering around the edge of her form. Her black robes flutter slightly in the air. "Well?"

>"Alright, Jean. Help me."
>"How would you help?"
>Flee (writein)
>Carrie never locks her door. Barge in.
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No.29146601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

There's nothing quite like sitting by a campfire beneath an open sky. Well, so long as you have some atmospheric music of course!

Here are some guidelines that I've found improved past music threads:
-- Include a link to the song, preferably YouTube
-- Don't greentext the link, the > screws up the copy/paste
-- Try to avoid things with English lyrics, unless you're going for some Bardic music

All genres are welcome. Theme is ANYTHING GOES: tabletop atmospheres, cool listenings, inspirational, writing, scene music, etc. I'll start us out with some of my recent listenings...

Ludovico Einaudi -- Uno
>Subdued piano, with some eerie effects. Works well as a stinger or character theme.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings -- Vergen by Night
>Slow, slightly melancholy string theme. Perfect for exploring wartorn towns or moonlit alleyways. The Witcher 2 is a treasure trove of similarly themed music.

EVE Online -- Rogue Drone Rock
>When it comes to futuristic music, nothing beats EVE. This piece is loud, instrumental, heavy, industrial rock. Perfect for sci-fi/modern fight scenes.

EVE Online -- Safe Trade Routes
>And some EVE music from the other side of the spectrum: light, eerie, subdued background noise. Good for sci-fi games.
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Traveller General

No.29069972 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Docking Complete. Freight 4 weeks late fucking pirates Ship maintenance Due definitely not paying that Ship Mortgage Due not paying that either Living costs Due can I afford to eat this month? hmmm... If I want that Beam Laser, I better eat cheap.... 400 Cr for living costs Have you Paid Your Crew? Shit! totally forgot about them... I guess I'll just pay the marine, that way if the others mutiny, at least He'll be there to stop 'em. Price of Refuel: 37,000 Cr Shieeeeeeet. Well boys, looks like we're gonna have to skim fuel again. Jumping's gonna be dicey...

What is Traveller?

Traveller Folder and Pastebin:

Music to Explosive Decompression to;

>Old Timey Space music

>Slough Feg

>Goldsmith - Alien Soundtrack

>Herrmann - The Day the Earth Stood Still
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