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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 36

Elite Soldiers

No.84285918 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>for this mission, your party will fight alongside the king's elite unit of all-female veteran soldiers
>originally founded to escort and defend the princess, this fighting force later came into its own during the previous war
How would your party coordinate their efforts with an elite band of soldiers?
322 posts and 52 images omitted

No.83685205 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it cringe to make characters look like yourself?
I prefer a character that look like me but I don't want people to think I'm self-inserting.
301 posts and 50 images omitted

No.83841865 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
wtf is this all true?

The state of Play Between the sexes.

No.83746878 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A screen snap got me thinking on what do men and women want from their Game.(post below)

GM's and players of /tg/. What are some of the difference you have experienced between the Sexes when it comes to the tabletop scene?
How do their motivation and their character build differ.
Which sex is more likely to be that guy or gal?
Do you think it's better for a part of be all one sex or a mixture?
65 posts and 8 images omitted

Why I don’t allow female characters

No.83643566 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
All the guys that play female characters can be divided into 3 group:

Group 1: The pervert
Group 2: The trannie
Group 3: “I’m a strong independent woman that don’t need no man”

Furthermore, I do not have any prominent female NPCs in my world. The emperor? Male. The soldiers? Male. The important wizard? Male.

The only women in my game are homemakers, housewives, or damsels in distress.

You want your little Amazon fantasy? Sorry, but she’ll end up beaten, r*ped, and enslaved in less than a day.
4 posts omitted

No.83611058 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So how long until the joke becomes the reality?
35 posts and 4 images omitted

Why do people do this?

No.83566776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
230 posts and 45 images omitted

No.83486819 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Who is the worst player you've ever encountered?
311 posts and 29 images omitted

Lewd RPG General

No.83412551 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>83307628

This thread is for discussing and sharing Lewd RPGs, which includes Solo Rpgs.
You can Post your homebrew System or give feedback to those you might find more interesting.
Concise Greentexts are fine, if intended to showcase the rules, especially for those who are still learning the game or just for discussion.
Generic ERP doesn't really apply here.

If you failed to find people to play Lewd Games with you or those you've found are just disgraceful, consider playing a Solo Lewd RPG.
It's more fun than you think because you have 0 fuss caused by others' autism

>Popular Lewd Games
Lewd Attack:
>Greentexts Folder. All greentexts posted in the thread might end up archived here
>Mixed Folders: They contains tuff for D&D, Pathfinder, etc
>Other Games (use 4ChanX for DEAD links. It's a browser extension)
Realms of Lewdia:
Boob Plate: >>77387579
VTM Succubus:
Exorifts: >>81641928
Succubus & Sorcerer: >>81548974, >>81575126, >>81588851
Crisis Heroine:
Tentacle Labyrinth:
Zettai Reido: >>81731181
Main Wiki:
Machine Translations:
>/mgw/ OP (monstergirl related materials)
Pathfinder 2e: >>82082595

No.83059019 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Powerful move
573 posts and 55 images omitted