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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 41

/3dpg/ 3D Printing General

No.77388959 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from 40k, AoS/Fantasy, D&D, Pathfinder, BB, Historicals, and Beyond!
Share your printed minis, modeling work, anything related to 3D printing that relates to TG.

- Post pictures of prints
- Remember to help your fellow anons, share requested files if you have them, you are STLexandria
- Encode your file links
- Try to give advice, help newbies

- Post a new thread til the old one dies
- Direct link to other groups files (grab + repo elsewhere if you must).
- Forget to read the thread before asking about something
- Request something without providing a picture of a recent print of yours

>Guides + How to into/info on 3D printing:

Cleanup Guide:
Resin Safety:
Resin settings:
Blender Tutorials:

>Printer to Buy

>Top Materials
- Resin: Siraya Blu, Siraya Fast
- Filament: Inland PLA

>What software should I use?
ZBrush, Fusion360, OpenSCAD, FreeCAD, or Blender

>Last Threads (recent -> oldest)
330 posts and 67 images omitted

No.77046973 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>defeated villains are impoverished and need to take low-tier but honest jobs to survive
Is it fitting enough punishment?
354 posts and 105 images omitted

3DPG 3D Printing General

No.76927521 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from 40k, AoS/Fantasy, D&D, BB, Historicals, and Beyond!
Share your printed minis, modeling work, anything related to 3D printing that relates to TG.

- Post pictures of prints
- Remember to help your fellow anons, share requested files if you have them, you are STLexandria
- Encode your file links
- Try to give advice, help newbies

- Direct link to other groups mega's (grab + repo elsewhere if you must).
- Forget to read the thread before asking about something
- Moralfag
- forget about nkf


>Guides + How to into/info on 3D printing:

Cleanup Guide:
Resin Safety:
Resin settings:
Blender Tutorials:

>Printer to Buy

>Top Materials
- Resin: Siraya Blu, Siraya Fast
- Filament: Inland PLA

>What software should I use?
ZBrush, Fusion360, OpenSCAD, FreeCAD, or Blender

>Last Threads (recent -> oldest)
408 posts and 76 images omitted

3DPG 3D Printing General

No.76878239 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Delayed shipment edition

This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from 40k, AoS/Fantasy, D&D, BB, Historicals, and Beyond!
Share your printed minis, modeling work, anything related to 3D printing that relates to TG.

- Post pictures of prints
- Remember to help your fellow anons, share requested files if you have them, you are STLexandria
- Encode your file links
- Try to give advice, help newbies

- Direct link to other groups mega's (grab + repo elsewhere if you must).
- Forget to read the thread before asking about something
- Moralfag
- forget about nkf


>Guides + How to into/info on 3D printing:

Cleanup Guide:
Resin Safety:
Resin settings:
Blender Tutorials:

>Printer to Buy
- Terrain: FDM Filament Printers
Like the Ender-3

- Miniatures: SLA Resin Printers
Like the Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K

>Top Materials
- Resin: Siraya Blu
- Filament: IC3D ABS

>What software should I use?
ZBrush, Fusion360, OpenSCAD, FreeCAD, or Blender

>Last Threads (recent -> oldest)

>TQ: What have you ordered that you are exited about?
347 posts and 51 images omitted

No.76874279 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How would your characters handle Azathoth?

What if he wakes up
177 posts and 23 images omitted

No.76490582 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A miracle happens and a slave revolt actually succeeds. What to do next?
209 posts and 20 images omitted

No.76467445 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Where do gods come from.

I'm starting a galaxy sized campaign with the assumption that gods rise and fall on billions of worlds over billions of years.

While no god is anything new, it still leaves the question of where they come from.

What do you suggest?
122 posts and 19 images omitted

No.57764209 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Longsword is a 1 handed weapon
>Bastard sword is 2 handed
137 posts and 25 images omitted


No.69535818 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What checkers ruleset do you most often use, to play? I usually use the international draughts ruleset, since even in the US, few people know the rules to american checkers, so I may as well teach people the version of the game that I find more entertaining.
Checkers is pretty fun anyway, though.
8 posts omitted

What are your favorite abstract strategy games?

No.73870245 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1. Chess
2. Quoridor
3. Checkers
4. 9 Men's Morris
5. Onitama
6. Quarto
7. Blokus Trigon
8. Chinese Checkers (2-player)
9. Othello
10. Pentago
11. Connect Four
12. Chinese Checkers (3-player)
10 posts and 1 image omitted