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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 44

No.27506738 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So was the Emperor always 8ft tall, or did he just grow to suit the battles during during the techno-barbarian age? And he isn't just tall like Shaquille O'neal, he's massively built

I'd imagine a unusually huge man would stand out in whatever secretive circles he entered prior to the year 10'000.
354 posts and 36 images omitted

/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General

No.69738307 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Emrakul Did Nothing Wrong Edition

Previously: >>69727079

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Official search site.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface, more cards, and a deckbuilder.

>Thread Topic
What unpopular opinions do you have about EDH, and about Magic in general? (I don't to hear "Bring back tuck" or "change hybrid" or "Seb McKinnon is overrated." Give us something actually unpopular.)
331 posts and 31 images omitted

No.8579328 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, I noticed this place was looking kinda messy lately, so I asked a few other boards if I could borrow their cleaning crew to help. /b/ was too busy with her own board, /d/ kept molesting herself with the mophandles, and /x/ kept mumbling "the only way to be clean is to destroy them all", which was really just creepy.

But /v/ said they could send someone over...
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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

No.69121126 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
469 posts and 89 images omitted

/erpg/ - ERP General

No.33047087 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We Are Many Edition
>bundles of fun
>packages of ecstasy
>why won't you love us
>You cannot escape, anon-kun.

To get started
>Pick F-List or IRC or both as your preferred method

>Go to #1001Lewd_Nights on Rizon for IRC
>Make a character and jump into /tg/ chat under "Private Channels" for F-list

>Go to
>Create a username.
>Create a character profile on that username.
>Click chat -> chat now and enter the chat (Experimental chat slightly advised). You'll be on the frontpage.
>Click "channels" on the bar up the top and click "private rooms" and navigate down to /tg/ chat.

>Post contact info
>Get help from friendly old hands
>Be chill
>ERP like a whore!

Lewd images will get you banned for a day or 3. No, seriously, it will.
41 posts and 10 images omitted

Warhammer 40,000 General - /40kg/

No.68646176 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Get in laddehs, we're saving the Galaxy from Marvel edition

>Games Workshop and Marvel Comics Team-up!

>Wield the Living Sword

>Battle Sister Bulletin – Part 17: Capital Punishment… on Legs!

>September FAQ is here

>New Primaris Intercessor action figure:

>WarhammerTV Tip of the day: [Open]

>Downloads; Rules Errata and FAQs:

>Book Megas:!9NchGZyZ!-V1LhJALxDp9Tw97WzEQGA!QqBkWByb!Uc39uN2gJ3CxsqaXf2mACDY2Y197BtFVCqvuKeOXm0o!SJ8VFJxC!V2rD0wWIO4ye10AZ9PDzMg!idARBCCD!o34J9y-nNPSKFM-w4HxGWw!XdJBDSSR


Previous Threadlet:

399 posts and 84 images omitted

Is there a Gaelic regiment in warhammer 40k?

No.68329936 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We have the Vallhallens (russians) Krieg (Germany). So the question is, do we have Scotland/Ireland?
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This is good thread

No.68305341 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the best fantasy justification for giving orcs big bouncing booties? I'm trying to plan out my next setting that totally exists and that I will really play with my surely existing group.
87 posts and 38 images omitted

No.68180208 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
uh sweatie i hope you don't have WINE or COFFEE in your games set in the future because, like, climate change will cancel them harder than I cancelled anyone who criticises our khaleesi Greta

wake up sheeple the amazon is, like, ON FIRE

posted from my iPhone
37 posts and 5 images omitted

Deer People race

No.68113961 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Working on a race of deer people and looking for race-building advice and character art.

So far the idea is they live in a Greek-influenced society of forest cities unified in a league. Each sylvan city is lead by a council of stags, the leading males of the area. They elect an archon, and the archons of the league elect a Exarch to govern them in times of war.

Like deer, they're wary of outsiders. Generally only the males will fight. They favor javelins and slings, but in times of war they also have a citizen levy of spearmen and fight in phalanxes.

They revere the Mother of the Forest as their primary deity, and try to limit to protect the forest as much as they can.

This is all ideas in the works right now. Like I said, I'd love input and art.
222 posts and 55 images omitted