>>69124438>Subjugate the leaders obviously. Who would you listen to as the head of a planet, the vast corrupt imperium which has difficulty even realizing anything is wrong, (see genestealer cults), or the 5 tactical marines standing 8 feet tall with bolters pointed at you that showed up at your palace in the middle of the day?You still aren't understanding.
What do you think would happen if a unit of SAS or Spetznaz or whatever busted into Congress and just held them hostage?
Seriously, what do you think would happen? Do you think the government would just roll over an acquiesce to all their demands, just because they held Congress hostage?
You are almost comically overestimating not only what Space Marines can do but also what they would do.
At this point, you're off the reservation. You have ALL space marines, who are somehow working together in a single group, holding a planet hostage because, why, again? Because you want to run a campaign or something where this happens? What event, in your mind, would simultaneously convince ALL SPACE MARINE CHAPTERS to like, semi-unify or whatever, and also turn the entire Imperium against them? The same Imperium that sees them as avenging angels, and dauntless protectors, who revere the Primarchs(loyal ones at least) as demigods?
Space marines don't fucking take hostages. They kill. That is their job. They kill for the Emperor. That is their sole purpose in life. Their one ambition. They don't fly around taking hostages, they don't raid shipping lanes. They are fucking goddamn space marines. Not dipshit space pirates.
It sounds like you want another setting or something at this point. You keep forcing this bizarre ALL SPACE MARINES VERSES LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE narrative, and then you argue with us when we tell you it doesn't make any fucking sense. Because it doesn't make any fucking sense.