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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 47

No.63616795 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Sit friends down to play game with premade characters as we take turns doing every so often
>You all wake up in a trash heap in a rusted out factory
>You are all young girls
>You are all also undead
>The factory is stalked by nightmarish fusions of flesh and machinery
>only one friend realises i tricked them into playing Nechronica

When was the last time you took your group on a ruse cruise?
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No.64052386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
lizard bug things are introduced into your setting

does your setting have containment procedures that would stop them?

No.64007921 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why aren't elves killed on sight?
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Can evil Dwarfs become good again?

No.64013794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.64007622 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you make an interesting and charismatic BBEG, with an imponent story and reasoning, without making the players feel shadowed and not falling in the "i'm telling my own story and you're partecipating" trap?

No.63991071 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why was Elf architecture derived from Islamic architecture?
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No.63895989 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If the Four Gods of Chaos are so powerful despite being only minor objects of worships, shouldn't the Emperor be ultra-super powerful, since he has an entire empire worshipping him, whereas the four fuckers only have some cultists praying to them in mommy's basement before being inevitably found, tortured, executed, and tortured again?
Or are sacrifices so powerful that all the bloodletting down in the name of Chaos is somehow stronger than all the religious zeal going on?
160 posts and 28 images omitted

Critical Role Appreciation

No.63761430 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So because some troll decided to post >>63745229
about how Critical Role is entry level bullshite, I thought we should have a thread appreciating everything Matt Mercer and Vox Machina/Mighty Nein! has done for /tg/.

I head a lot of criticism about the roleplaying being too significant and not enough combat... but really? Because honestly, if your players are not entertained what is the point?

Start off with some testimonials! See pic related.
34 posts and 4 images omitted

Jumpchain CYOA Thread #2679: Padoru Edition

No.63587401 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
583 posts and 104 images omitted

Paradox is eating White Wolf

No.63082883 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I usually do not post /pol/ bait.. however... it is unavoidable with some companies, and this is indeed /tg/ news.

I hope we can be civil.

>INB4 Polygon
Fuck you i'm posting copy

>Even before the launch of Vampire: The Masquerade’s fifth edition ruleset, the team behind the classic tabletop role-playing game was already busy courting controversy. A series of unforced errors prompted White Wolf Publishing to issue statements disavowing perceived links to neo-Nazi and white-supremacist ideology in its game materials. Now, with the release the new Camarilla sourcebook, the team is again apologizing. This time, it’s for using the imprisonment, torture, and murder of members of Chechnya’s LGBTQ community as the backdrop for one of its major plot points.

>“We realize the way we have portrayed various topics in the recent Camarilla and Anarch setting books can be viewed as crude and insensitive,” White Wolf said in a statement on its Facebook page. “We appreciate this feedback and we are actively examining our choices in these books. Earlier this year, we made a pledge to you to meet certain standards and be more direct with the community regarding the World of Darkness and our games. That’s a pledge we failed to uphold, and we are deeply sorry.”

>Since at least April 2017, Russian news sources and firsthand witnesses have described the crimes taking place in Chechnya, which were later verified by mainstream media here in the United States. From our sister publication, Vox:
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