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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 64

Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1151: Blast from the Past Edition

No.50008630 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
578 posts and 67 images omitted

Underground Thread

No.31059151 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quick /tg/! I need pictures of underground things!
Civilizations, creatures, places, anything!

Underground thread.
Dwarves and kobolds welcome.
13 posts and 11 images omitted

Warhammer 40,000 Custom Redux a completed Alternative Ruleset

!WQhb/BfZXA No.49864933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Alright let's discuss this.

Next Codex Will be Dark Angels.
10 posts and 1 image omitted

PDF Dumping and Begging Thread

No.39674630 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
302 posts and 46 images omitted

Horus Heresy General /hhg/

No.48907780 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
340 posts and 77 images omitted

For the guy who was searching for an Final Fantasy RPG

No.49870551 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you tried the FFRPG 4th Edition? It is avaiable at
14 posts and 1 image omitted

No.49841199 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does one kill a Time Lord, /tg/?
40 posts and 9 images omitted

Minecraft Civilization Simulating Autism

No.49801467 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Okay so I and a bunch of other dudes have colonized a civilization simulating minecraft server called Devoted (vanilla with cool ass plugins including the ability to make drawbridges and castle gates). We currently have several board towns and I'm running the /tg/ one, if anyone wants to hop in on this madness you're more than welcome to.

The map is permanent and the history that forms from all the people that show up (most of the people other than us here are Redditors, we all consider the Redditors dirty uncivilized barbarians) is immense and entertaining. Hell recently some dudes rping as Fallout Vault Dwellers showed up on our southern frontier trying to homestead and then called an unsuccessful vulgar crusade against us when we invaded. They kicked out their leader and fled without even attacking us, the usual comedy from heretical Redditors I'd say.

If you're down for it the server's address is: (version 1.10.2) (coords for /tg/: -3850, -4575)

One of the /pol/ dudes rented a mumble server at: port 20797
(don't need no mic senpai)

Also does anyone have 1. a good idea for an imperial palace
and 2. a good name for the empire of /tg/
Whether or not you want to participate I could use suggestions for those two.

This isn't an advertisement nor a raid
136 posts and 26 images omitted

/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

No.49813508 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

>nobody made a new thread

>>49773572 Last thread

>Hawk Wargames website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>DZC Phase 2 units
>DZC Phase 2 rules and scenarios
>DZC Phase 2 fluff

>free DZC army builders

>dropfleet preorder, showing prices and lotsa pics

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

>All currently leaked photos of the DFC rulebook, courtesy of the facebook group and multiple anons

>DFC ship stat pics

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

initial topic: Besides the St. Petersburg and Hector, what other ships do you suspect will be difficult to wield and get maximum effectiveness from?
336 posts and 56 images omitted

Jojo's Bizarre Storytime

No.49815026 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /tg/. Is any of you guys interested in a rather long, rambling storytime about a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game I ran last summer (summer 2016, for record's sake)? If yes just keep reading I suppose and if no, just click that 'x' or that backspace.

For some extra and perhaps uneeded context: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is something which goes way back for me, having read the manga back in mid highschool in the early 2000. Beside a few references sparkled here and there over the years, it and tabletop had remained fairly separate for me. The sudden and unexpected popularity of the anime adaptation changed that and I decided to ride that sudden surge in popularity and recognition. Now I could have been a grumpy old man ranting about how its ruined now that its popular and the average reddit retard spam Jojo memes (and to an extent I do) but instead I used the fact it was fresh in people's minds to do something I couldn't have done back then. Run a game set in the universe (or rather a universe, as the case maybe, you'll see later in the story) of JJBA. The game system was Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition. It lasted eight sessions of 5 to 8 hours and...oh man, it was crazy. Crack fic-tier of crazy. Care to join me on this ride? Its going to be a fairly long ride and take more than a few posts to tell all of it.
118 posts and 31 images omitted