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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 67

CYOA General - 'I'm not saying it was aliens' Edition

No.49540990 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last Thread: >>49521886 Pastebin:
380 posts and 84 images omitted

Kingdom Death: Monster General

No.43989987 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Kingdom Death: Monster Lantern Year 30 - The Forgotten Thread

>What is Kingdom Death: Monster?
Read the description here:

>Tabletop Simulator Mod
>Rules question thread on BGG

>Mobile-friendly Survivor Sheet App

>Google Drive Settlement and Survivor Sheets

>Latest rulebook scan!rZF2GISD!Ki5wDn7SWE_1IOxrd7B5HOXItJHFFlGmQ4nhV36Rods!7QUkQC6J!yO93ZUmm0kRynNh6f00EZd9UVcQkZecWTzJIQx5cTk4

Been about a week and no one's made a new thread, so I went and made a new one.
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/scg/ - Scion general

No.49513605 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Mad about Hathor edition.

Scion 2e is now on Kickstarter:

Scion is an urban fantasy game about the adventures of the children and chosen of the old gods. You can read a a preview of the book here:

Greco-Roman Pantheon preview:

Topic of the Thread: Are you interested in playing non-Scion characters (mortals, werewolves, kitsune, etc) using the Origins rules?
362 posts and 20 images omitted

No.24342860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
okay second part to

“Reformed?” Kyros rolled the idea over in his mind. “By the throne, is that what this is about?” The man in the lab coat relaxed his posture. “Yes, my name is Doctor Oliver Powell, and this young woman is subject J44. Once a cultist, now a logical emperor loving member of our Imperium, all thanks to my reforming jells.” The woman smiled revealing obviously fake teeth. Despite the smile the fear in her eyes was easy to see. The room was silent. Victoria held her bolter still looking back and forth from Kyros to the doctor. Levites stood with his head hung low and his arms behind his back. Kyros’ eyes narrowed, “Doctor Oliver Powell, by order of the Inquisiton, you have been deemed a heretic, how do you plead?” Doctor Powell’s heart dropped, and his expression turned to one of terror. “I plead… I plead… please! Let me prove to you it works!” The doctor had dropped to his knees. Levites began looking through the multitude of papers he carried with him.
Kyros looked down on him without lowering his head. “No one can ever be cleansed of the taint. By claiming to be capable of doing so, you are not only defying imperial creed, but encouraging others to do the same. Not to mention this could give chaos infiltrators a quick and easy cover-story.” He stepped passed the doctor to get a better look at the woman who was now shacking at the knees. “This entire facility is going to need to be purged, I have no way of knowing how far her taint could have spread and we can’t take any risks. It’s a good thing I brought a contingent of the Adeptus Sororitas with me.” Victoria raised her bolter.

No.26562955 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Post and create well made and useful spells.

No.32970321 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Moving my techpriest to Ascension in my game, which is going to involve a large time skip.

I'm a Biologios, a radical and a Malatek, with a focus on absolutely insane drugs and bringing out the psychic potential of humanity. Now that we're going to be in the high power that is Ascension, I'm ready to stop using the various combat drugs I've collected and begin inventing my own. My delivery methods are going to be a Neuro Glove in close combat and a Grenade Launcher at range.

Mostly, I'm interested in drugs with either disturbing as hell effects, or wildly unpredictable ones. I've got four right now I intend to pitch to my GM, but any more suggestions for things would be awesome, or suggested tweaks to the ones I've got.

These are the ones I've got thus far. Random, unedited techobabble for explaining myself in game to people, have to be able to technobabble as a mad scientist. I do need to think of better names for them. I especially want names that don't sound dangerous or really indicate what the drugs do.

Blood Boil

A compound that in the presence of red blood cells causes a reaction producing more of the same compound, while also being exothermic. The compound is extremely wide ranging in what it will effect, but differences in blood type, purity, and other factors often result in wildly different levels of effectiveness. The compound is also highly unstable, and prone to breaking down when not held in specific containment. However, the results speak for themselves.

Difficult Toughness test or take 1d10 energy damage, ignoring armor and toughness bonuses for 1d10 rounds.
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Custom Spell for Pathfinder

No.28161194 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm tinkering on making a spell to grow hair due to our party's dwarf had his beard cut off due to maggots and suggestion from a dryad. I'm the party's Wizard

Hair Growth

School: transmutation
Level: sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time: 5 minutes
Components: V, S, M (subject's hair)
Range: touch
Targets: creature touched
Duration: concentration
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
A tingling sensation occurs in the subject's follicles as it magically starts to grow hair at an accelerating rate. The hair can grow from anywhere on the subject's body where hair naturally grows from such as the top of the head, facial, body, etc.

The rate of which the hair grows are dependent on where the hair is growing from. Hair growing from the top of the head will grow at 2 inches/minute, facial will grow at 1 inch/minute, body at 0.5 inches/minute. Subjects that are bald from natural causes such as age or other natural causes grow hair at half the rate (1 inch/minute for head, etc.)

The caster must concentrate for the hair to grow until the desired length has been achieved.

Deadlands: Weird West: Mad Psychology

No.26143890 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I did something a bit silly, /tg/, and randomly rolled a field for my new metal mage to be good at. I got psychology, and now I'm trying to come up with weird science psychological gizmos.

Now, if you know about Deadlands, you know that spreading fear is generally a bad idea, albeit well within the purview of psychological warfare. I'm deliberately choosing to ignore that, although the character knows it, so feel free to suggest fear gas. Pic related, it's what the DM thought I wanted to play.

So, fellows: how do I amusingly combine mad science and 1870s psychology?
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No.41767288 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What sort of information would an evil secret laboratory preforming medical experimentation on demons and humans in a modern setting have tattooed to their subjects back or what other methods of storing information on their test subjects would they employ?

So far I have the following:
>Genome Tag: (Refers to an artificially attached piece of DNA that uniquely identifies any genetic material as belonging to the subject)
>HLA Types: (Refers to human leukocyte antigen which are used for organ transplant compatibility)
>Origin Type: (Refers to whether the subject was a human or the type of demon)
>Clearance: (How classified the subject is and who has permission to know / order it around / Who to report it too if the subject escapes)
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Sites to download rpg pdfs

No.31807700 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I love to read over rpg manuals before buying them, and since /rs/ shutdown I've been scouring the net to find another site to download pdfs (normally for more obscure games that don't show up on torrent sites), 4shared was a good alternative for awhile but it seems they removed a lot of their content. Are there any sites you guys use?
163 posts and 51 images omitted