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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 69

.PDF share thread

No.46085778 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Didn't find one in the catalog. Share /tg/-related .pdfs here.

Requesting any and all Ghost in the Shell RPGs. Fanmade, whatever. Or any system that you think will go well with the setting (rules-light prefered).
21 posts and 5 images omitted

New bolt action rulebook scan?

No.49379094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Excuse me for the crudeness of the post. Is there anyone that has a link for the new rulebook of bolt action or can spent some time scanning it. There are many people that their book has not arrived yet and a copy would be great, or those that want to know if they actually want to play this.

Please dont express your spicy thought or rage or get salty here, thank you for understanding.

No.49372619 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys, i just ran a Jurassic Park / Jurassic World themed campaign with the rules of "DREAD". A survival oriented ruleset that some anon here suggested to me. It's based on a Jenga tower rather than dice.

It was the best Roleplay experience that i've ever had. If you like Jurassic Park and survival oriented campaigns, give this a try.
13 posts omitted

No.49377021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How well would the Yozi from exalted work as Mythos- style eldritch abominations in a modern setting? I want to run something COC-esque, but all of my players are lovecraftophiles who metagame like hell, so I figure the Yozi are some Interesting outer god/old one stand ins that could throw them off.

/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General

No.49338542 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Onward Edition

Previous thread:

Get in here, post games, miniatures, questions, whatever you like.

List of mini providers:
List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
ZunTsu Gameboxes:
/hwg/ Steam Group:

Games, Ospreys & References folders:!ZAoVjbQB!iGfDqfBDpgr0GC-NHg7KFQ
321 posts and 69 images omitted

/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

No.49341903 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
314 posts and 21 images omitted

Moderation Thread as Requested by Hiro

No.49345964 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've lost count how many of these have been deleted.

But this is a real thing. Hiro wants it discussed. The state of the boards of 4chan. A discussion on how things can improve moving forward.

If our Mod has any respect for his superior, this thread should be allowed to exist. >>668450

What can be improved on this board?

What do you, the users, care about?

That said, we all know this thread will be deleted by a mod on a power trip.

Rules, Regulations and Moderation For /tg/

No.49345398 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Stop going behind Hiro's back mods. Allow us to have our discussion about how we can fix the moderation you do on here and /qst/. I am screencapping and archiving this thread in case it gets deleted quickly. If it does, I will send these to Hiro himself

Horus Heresy General /hhg/

No.49316627 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Science! Edition
We must become cozier Sub-Edition
I can see the embers of the Inferno coming. We helped an Anon with choosing her legion and discussed the Red Scorpions(unknown if our SJW rubbed one off during that time period), Geneviève's death has an affect, we learned about the wonders of CFT and FOOP, test engineers are not immune to CFT so please remember that, talk on STCs was made, and we discovered an Ordo Reductor cogboy living amongst us displaced through time plus much more in the last bread >>49298431
Red Book Links:!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF: or
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules:!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg
Crusade Imperialis epub:
Strawpoll links:
327 posts and 50 images omitted

No.49324435 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The new book in the Beast Arise series have been out for a while. I cannot believe nobody posted about it already.

Here are the Spoilers :
-Koorland cedes authority over the Deathwatch to the Inquisition. The Inquistor from the faction that's concerned with Xenos is satisfied. The Lord Inquisitor in charge of the faction concerned with Chaos says to counter balance this they will recruit a mysterious chapter which is currently hiding on the moon of Titan. This way both factions will not step on each others shoes
-The Sisters of Silence help in a plan to eliminate the Orks
-The plan revolves around kidnapping an Ork weirdboy and having him spend days on end with the company of the Sisters of Silence.This will drain him of his Waaaagh! energy to the point of complete starvation. After that the Sisters drop the Weirdboy in middle of an Ork warzone and then leave him be at the right moment. The Weirdboy in the absence of the Sisters will uncontrollably drain Waaagh! like a dry sponge. He will drain and drain until he explodes. The resulting Waaaagh! energy unleashed by the explosion will cause Orks all over the warzone to have their heads explode
-They successfully won one war on planet via this method. They decided to go to Ullanor and take out the Beast with this method
360 posts and 44 images omitted