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Why are men so butthurt about lack of female Space Marines if women serve everywhere else and Sisters of Battle is female exclusive? Girl Guards need more exposure btw they are hot as fuck I wanna be molested by one.
Hey guys I want to have my own backstory but after looking through the lore I'm having trouble coming up with something unique and original. Any idea on how to get out of a lore rut like this?
Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order this meeting of the most illustrious Mages Guild! So, I'm sure everyone's managed to get settled back in after the taco incident, that's good. How am I? Thanks for asking Jerry, I'm doing fine, you know, sleeping well, trying to ignore the FUCKING SNAKES EVERYWHERE! That's right people, snakes! I'm not entirely sure how you didn't notice them earlier. Evidently, that fucking Druids Guild decided to take advantage of the long bathroom lines and well to make a long story short we've got a shitload of snakes. All over the guild. Apparently they are still upset about someone trying to burn down their forest while they were in the middle of a meeting. And while there is NO solid evidence that any of us did it they apparently have their suspicions and decided to act on them. Now, besides pointing fingers and arguing over who got us into this situation, though let's be honest, we all know who it must have been, we also have to decide what to do with all the snakes.
Welcome to the Mages' Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on For additional resources, please visit