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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 79

Pathfinder General - /pfg/

No.46723165 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Pathfinder General - /pfg/

What race is this?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Previous thread: >>46707430
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Gamesworkshop Tactical backpack

No.45153581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
[UK] I have a Gamesworkshop tactical backpack, brought it a fair few years ago and now have no use for it.

I can't find any up for sale anywhere, so what would you be willing to pay for one?

+ No point posting on forums, nobody cares.


!!0ZviLFh59My No.18074867 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"That," Sean says, "-is the biggest fucking rocket I've ever seen."

You grin, and run a finger over the guide-fin of the lowest RP-3 rocket. The massive rockets, with their 60-pound warheads, are mounted three to a wing in triangle-shaped hardpoints.

"Didn't think we had enough room inboard of the engines for anything but bombs," you say. "This... this is kind of awesome."

"We aim to please," Aussie Lassitude informs you. "And after I shot you three times, figured I should do something to show no hard feelings."

"The hell you did. Minna got me twice!"

"She what?" drawls Lassitude.

"She what?" says Sean.

"She what?" sniggers Ian.

You narrow your eyes at Aussie Lassitude. "I'll get you. And your little crocodile, too."

He snorts and waves you away. Having finally reacquired your pants, you and your crew are ready to take to the air. You go through your preflight check, checking the airelons, spoilerons, elevator, check, rudder, check, bored, check. powerplants, muahahahahahaha. The huge Double-Wasp radials kick over eagerly with a throaty roar, and soon your combat-loaded fighter is hurtling down the runway.

You circle Castle Barin for a bit, gaining altitude.

"Sure is pretty, isn't it?" Ian marvels.

You roll Club Ghostrider onto one wing so you can all look down at the Castle. It's mid-afternoon, and the white stone of the castle is catching the light nicely.

"It sure is," you agree.

"Cut the shit," Sean grunts from the back. "Time for me to work my ma-"

"HA-HA AWESOME GET TO IT," Ian says in brittle tones, and you hear him kick the divider between his compartment and the back of your cockpit.
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That Guy / Stupid shit thread

No.46584590 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Title says it all.

Just had a new rule introduced after an incident at a game; No fucking swords allowed.

>Some friends and I went to a convention the day before a game
>Bought a bunch of stuff, had fun, etc
>Let inner weeaboo out and bought a katana
>We all showed off our shit at the game
>Only one whom bought a real sword so one guy had an idea to cut bottles up with it
>There's a dog in the backyard that some others are playing with
>One guy tries to murder the bottles
>You can already tell how this goes
>Lets his outer weeaboo out even more
>Dog runs towards the fun
>Without checking his surroundings like everyone else, swings sword to his side
>RIP doggo
>He hits the dog just above the eye, pretty deep cut
>Blood everywhere though the dog was chill as fuck
>Guy vomits in toilet, two others take care of the dog, I comfort the girl there
>No swords at games now

So not exactly the best way to end a session. The dog is a champ and is fine, only needed six stitches. Apparently everyone who touched or cut something with a sword is at fault and has to pay the vet bill, don't know the price yet, and I'm the one whom is most at fault according to the guy because I was the one who brought the sword there.
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Mages Guild: Muscle Wizards Edition

No.46207341 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order this meeting of the most illustrious Mages Guild! Now then, first order of business, because I find this hilarious. The fighters guild is petitioning for us to shut down our Department of Muscle Wizardry, claiming, and I quote "It isn't fair that wizards get all the nice things." I know, I know, it's great. SHOULD HAVE PICKED UP A BOOK, JOCKS! But anyway, turns out that they've got some sway or something, I don't know. Obviously, we're not shutting down the Muscle Wizard department, so we're either going to have to fold them into something else, or just rename them.

And before I forget, congratulations to Abgerth the Abominable on his five hundredth ressurection. We all though he would stop after one hundred, but look where he is now.

Welcome to the Mages' Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on archive.4plebs For additional resources, please visit
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No.46434817 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>the setting has beastfolks
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No.46427339 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why isn't there a negative reply? Of any sort?

You're basically in medieval Europe. Being trans would be rough. You probably wouldn't just tell random strangers about your transition, since they might, y'know, call you an abomination and punch you in the mouth.
156 posts and 17 images omitted

PDF share thread

No.42894378 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Without one, life is meaningless.
213 posts and 84 images omitted

Quest Thread General

No.46383809 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QM's. Posters looking for advice on tabletop games should look elsewhere.

Please do not shitpost, and please report any shit posters attempting to derail discussion or cause strife. This means avoiding tripfag drama or discussion about subjects such as 'make a board for quests'.

Useful links:
This link contains numerous writing guides, general advice, and various quest tools and communities. (UPDATED LIST)
These are two directories containing the tweets of many current QM's. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players. To get added to the second list, tweet @tgQuestList. Spamming tweets unrelated to your quest may result in its removal.

> QM question
What's your biggest regret in your last quest?

> Player question
Why don't you play more quests?
289 posts and 19 images omitted

FATAL has shitty rules for rape

No.46164372 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So in all these reviews of FATAL I hear it called stuff like "The Date Rape RPG without the Dating" and "rape simulation" so I came in with high expectations that this could cover the mechanics of something that games simply don't touch.

Consensual sex gets addressed in fan works like Book of Erotic Arts for D20 or the "GURPS Sex" manual, but neither touch rape. Which is silly because if anything can be hand-waived into "just co-operatively describe this with flavor text" it's consensual things.

Rules are designed for resolving differences in intent and with all the rules we have for assault (even if grappling is often a more confusing issue than striking) having ones for sexual assault would make sense.

"Rape is not intended to be a core element of F.A.T.A.L." on page 7 is completely accurate here. If it were actually a core element it would actually have some decent rules.

For all the focus on the rape-y atmosphere of the game, it feels like reviewers really have not focused on just how little exploration the act has. So little that it is incredibly disappointing.

In 2000 the rules appear on page 342 of "Fantasy Adventure To Adult Lechery"

In 2004 the rules appear on page 398 "From Another Time, Another Land".

In either case they are easily found searching "Rape roll", a term which occurs 5 times in 1 paragraph and a 6th time in the one after.

All these fall under a skill called "Overbearing", a Wrestling skill which is basically pinning a foe who's been taken down or otherwise on the ground.

Although Overbear is essentially number 12 and Brawling 13, Rape is essentially a whole other ability which occurs only after a successful overbear, so I guess you could call it 12.5
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