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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 80

/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicle of Darkness and World of Darkness General

No.46374343 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>46352665

Not sure if im doing this right but might as well try.
Anyway have you guys ever used an antagonist group for a Different Splat? And how the Troupe handled it.
368 posts and 18 images omitted

/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of fagness and World of Darkness General

No.46337502 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
333 posts and 33 images omitted

/cofd/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Fagness and World of Darkness General

No.46352665 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
330 posts and 22 images omitted

Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6

!!dRaoHSlU++3 No.46311613 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In a shocking turn of events the largest and most powerful nations bordering the desert have defied the I.F. and withdrawn from the assembly of nations. An international taskforce lead by the feared Peace Keepers now marches across the desert to quash this threat.

On the other side of the desert a tiny nation called the Principality of Beskaosia must hold out against a massive invasion from the belligerent country of N.O.R.D. The Principality's small but dedicated military is no match for the N.O.R.D onslaught. To bolster the line a certain mercenary company has been called in, but will their team of elite mech pilots be enough to turn the tide?
115 posts and 17 images omitted

Worst /tg/ thing you have ever done?

No.46286648 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
confessions. stories. screencaps. all welcome

here's my confession.
>I authored MSQ
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No.46277139 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Last thread

Gloom World is a project to create a setting based on themes found in a 'Dying World' setting.

The Oldfather sits on his throne on the Godmount, his mind vacant, his body withered, consumed by dementia and useless. The world rots in sympathy with him, the Last Dwarf died in the halls of the Diamond Palace clutching an axe it is uncertain if starvation or tunnel crawlers claimed him first, the great Tree Cities of the Green Isle withered and with them the elves, the Slave Pits of the Orkish Capital are empty, their great industrial works silent. Only humans remain, and the beast folk, the vermin races, goblins, kobolds, and more. Every day crops fail, livestock grow sick and die, the cities crumble one by one and the gods, consumed with grief do nothing to save the world.

The Sun Goddess plays her harp half heartedly and farmers suffer shorter days because of it.

The god of sea and earth rages turning the oceans into a monster infested maelstrom and causing the earth to rumble in sympathy.

The Mother goddess tends the husk of her husband, ignoring her duties to women around the globe and birth rates drop.

War has been chained to a great stone outside of heaven for the crime of attempting to slay the Oldfather that he may be laid to rest, wars have become cold things of paranoia and stocked resources. Daggers in the shadow and pointed words.

The Goddess of time drinks herself to sleep causing patches of land to flutter between eras and sending mortals back and forth across the ages.

Only the trickster god, barred from heaven, labors to save the world but even his endless schemes may not be enough to save humanity and end The Rot.
54 posts and 15 images omitted

/wbg/ Worldbuilding General

No.46212796 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Worldbuilding Thread

Some worldbuilding resources:

On designing cultures:

Random generators:

Mapmaking tutorials:

Free mapmaking toolset:

Random Magic Resources/Possible Inspiration:


Random (but useful) Links:

Some questions
>Is it possible to sum up an entire nation in your setting with a single image?
>Give me the overview of your nations in one sentence. Bonus points for humor.
>Is there a particular aspect of your setting you're very proud of? Tell us about it.
322 posts and 80 images omitted

Disney Villains Victorious annoucement/general

No.45694539 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The Disney Villains Victorious playtest campaign has just drawn to a close.

We are currently rebalancing and adjusting the system for PDF release 1.0. You can expect this release in 1-2 weeks, in all likelihood, depending on how fast we work, how much we decide to chance, and how much difficulty we have putting it in PDF format.

This is mostly just so you can be aware and it's not a total surprise (and to draw attention back to the project), but feel free to use this as DVV general for anything related prior to its release. We know it's been a year, the campaign took a while to test out all three tiers and every possible aspect. We are only five people doing this in our spare time, after all.

Here's the copypasta.

Disney Villains Victorious is a /tg/ homebrew project based on the idea of a world, not entirely unlike our own, in which all the villains from all the Disney animated feature films were not defeated at the ends of their movies but were instead victorious, completing their goals in part or in whole.

It is a world in which Ursula rules the seas, defied only by the uncatchable Pirate Lords, the cutthroat merchants of the East India Trading Company and the might of Atlantis and its magitech-toting mercenaries. It is a world where the grasslands and jungles and forests are prowled not only by fearsome primal beasts like Shere Kahn and Scar but also by the ruthless, tireless hunters that stalk them. It is a world where Europe has been divvied up between evil sorcerous monarchs like Maleficent, the Horned King, Grimhilde and Jafar, mad, inquisitorial clergymen like Frollo, and Dark Gods like Hades and Chernobog.

It is not, however, a world completely devoid of courage, heroism or hope. Around the world, the PCs' characters and their allies plot and plan, fight and strive and win their own victories against the villains that would rule them. The time to fight and to be free is now.
117 posts and 33 images omitted

/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General

No.46240336 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
334 posts and 93 images omitted

Mages Guild: Graduating Redrobes Edition

No.45888600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order this meeting of the most illustrious Mages Guild! All right, the janitors have been complaining about the... what's that? Well, turns out that this meeting is going to be about the only thing less important than the plumbing. We know them by many names, redshirts, redskirts, or our familiar own variety, the redrobe. Whatever you call them, they're our disposable workforce, used in just about any experiment or spell you can think of. Basically, if it doesn't work, throw redrobes at it until it does. Most of them don't last a day, some live a year, and a precious few make it to today, to graduation day. Yes, I know some of you are surprised that enough of them even survived this long, but the little buggers are like cockroaches. So to those of you here, good luck, your mortality rate basically quadruples for the next few hours, but after that you're all but immortal.

Welcome to the Mages' Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on archive.4plebs For additional resources, please visit
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