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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 84

PDF Share Thread

No.43986092 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
PDF Share Thread

This is one of my personal favorite CoC One-Shots.

Requesting an awesome CoC campaign, gonna be running for a few friends.
306 posts and 110 images omitted

No.45592647 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The block after Innistrad 2 will be about a new plane called Sivagat. It's a desert world and will heavily reference Egyptian mythology. It will feature gods and the story will be a relatively small-scale mystery plot that's gonna be completely separate from any other story line going on at the moment. The reason for this separation is that WotC is worried that the block will mirror Kamigawa in certain regards due to the exotic setting and almost niche mythology that's not as popular as Greek mythology.
The first set of the block will be called Secrets of Sivagat and the second set will be called Fury of the Sand.
The block after that will be another Return to Ravnica. I have no information about that story and only know the name of the first set. War of the Guilds.

Obviously I won't name my source so asking for proof is futile. You can also just screencap this and then just wait and see.
318 posts and 36 images omitted

Warhammer 40k General

No.45547083 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
525 posts and 55 images omitted

Mages Guild: Missing Department Heads Edition

No.45327748 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order this meeting of the most illustrious Mages Guild! First of all I would like to congratulate everyone on handling the outbreak of stray portals across over the guild. The ones responsible have been found and been dealt with. A year in the plane of bees should show them not to portal away my private stash.

Now, there has been talk lately how a lot of the department heads haven't been seen in a while, apparently it took the head of the Pyromancy department three months to return after being lost for anyone to care. The head of Divination is still on his extended vacation, the head of Illusion hasn't been seen for decades, even though her department claims she's still around, the head of Chronomancy isn't due to show up for another year or so after he jumped ahead hoping for more interesting times and the head of Entropomancy is said to have turned into nothingness or something. Anyway with the heads of Geomancy and Aeromancy both retiring today, on top of all these no-shows, people have been talking about assigning replacements. Normally I would just let the departments handle this internally but it's getting out of hand so give me some options here!

Welcome to the Mages' Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on archive.4plebs For additional resources, please visit
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Stars Without Number DM Help

No.45599622 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll be straight with you /tg/. I've rarely posted here and this is my first thread. I have been (through my own failings) convinced to DM a campaign of stars without number. I have never DM'd before, I've only ever gone through three quarter finished campaigns in various other roleplaying systems before. The bottom line is: I'm not very good at math and organization.
I can, however, tell a damn decent story. So, I humbly request any advice, tips, tools or help that anyone can give me regarding DM'ing this system and just leading a campaign in general. I will provide any information about the current story and some of the players characters involved as needed.
Pls help.
14 posts and 4 images omitted

Table Rules

No.45277598 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
At your table for in-person meet ups, what are your rules?
No Facebook, no laptops? No texting, no phones at all? What things do people do during game sessions that annoy you as a GM? If you're a player what rules do your GMs have at the table?

pic unrelated.

No.45533974 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>You happen to play a female PC
>Your party attacks the dragons lair, half othe party dies, others escape, you are left behind
>Dragon gives you a choice of drowning you in acid or insemating you, have you carry the child, then letting you go


Also, dragon has large groups of kobolds, orc, human and bugbear mercenaries and casters at hand to rear the child.
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No.45519478 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How to do space horror good?
28 posts and 2 images omitted

Quest Thread General: Angel of Autism

No.45355744 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

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4chan's Native Extension now allows you to revert to text captcha! Click settings in the top right when you're inside a thread, then go to Quotes and Replying
962 posts omitted

/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General

No.44770258 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
307 posts and 116 images omitted