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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 88

No.11597869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Age of Sigmar General

No.45111527 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Wardens of the Everqueen? You mean her left/right arms/legs?

Seem that Grand Alliance: Chaos do not sell in digital format.

Friendly reminder, John Blanche concept arts for Stormcast are excellent, not sure why sculptor dumped down(so as necron in the past).
322 posts and 69 images omitted

No.45096901 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What happened to Warseer?
13 posts and 1 image omitted

PDF Request / Share Thread

No.45075776 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If your game has a General, check there first, odds are they got what you need.
312 posts and 75 images omitted

No.45081556 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"I am meant to believe that you are not just some tall dwarf or deformed elf, but an outworlder from a plane with no magic. That is utterly ridiculous, "huumen" doesn't even sound like a real word."
158 posts and 28 images omitted

Mages Guild: You Need A New Budget Edition

No.44818304 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order this meeting of the most illustrious Mages' Guild! Now I know everyone was very exited about our plans have the entire guild fly to the moon for a nice vacation from all the kings, queens, nobles and whatever they are who keep bothering our research but I have some bad news. It turns out we are lacking some important spell components needed to ensure the tower survives the trip, and we're completely broke after the new years party. So unless people come up with a good way to make the missing money it seems like the tower is grounded for the moment.

Now the Bueromancers claim that we might be able to free enough funds by making some easy budget cuts here and there have been some suggestions to cut some departments out of the guild including Beemancy, Hobomancy, Chainsawmancy and MUSCLE WIZARDRY. They also think that we can save money by merging some smaller departments into bigger departments, such as making Cryomancy part of the Hydromancy Department, doing away with Electromancy and making it part of Aeromancy again, Chaos Magic joining the Eldritch Department and reincorporating dark magic into the necromancy department for the first time since they split into two departments in the third age. And finally re-merging all sub-departments into their main branch, that means you sub-department of Ectomancy and sub-department of Weaponized Divination.

Welcome to the Mages' Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on archive.4plebs For additional resources, please visit
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Totemist Quest 73 pt. 2

!!+sD89TSE5RJ No.44974771 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You meet the Avatar's charge head on. The weighted silver of your fist collides with the crimson spirit-fire of the Avatar's claw with a resounding clang. The two of you stand dead-locked for a moment as you exert the force of your will against the raw animalistic need of the being before you. Threads of silver and red dance in the cold black emptiness around you as you vie against it for dominance.

You're in charge here. This spirit is bound to you.

The spirit-fire surges from the avatar's claws. You can feel the flesh of your arms bubble and blister under the unexpected heat. The ravaging cold of the void and the hideous heat of the Avatar's primal flame clash on either side of you, leaving you trapped in agony between them. You stagger back a step, then another.

The Avatar breaks the deadlock, leaping back only to pounce again as you stumble off balance. Jagged teeth and serrated claws tear into your arms as you bring them up instinctively to cover your face. You can hear the sound of snapping chains. Is your link coming undone?

Just what the hell is this place?

The Avatar's frenetic assault pierces your guard. One long talon rakes between your arms, tearing a thick ribbon of flesh from your chest. You let out a strangled scream as the spirit-fire spreads through your veins.

What's happening?

The Avatar presses its advantage. Teeth descend on your arms, bone-crushing force leveraging with practiced fury against your flesh. You can feel your bone whining under the strain, threatening to splinter apart.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

You scream as your arm snaps like dry kindling under the Avatar of Hunger's jaws. A lance of fresh agony pins you in place, senses overwhelmed.

It can't end like this.

You're not supposed to fall here.

You have w-work to do.

> Give up. (End)
> Give in. (???)
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No.44894590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've read over the rules for ChromeStrike just now, and I like it, but I'm confused about some things.

First of all, how many weapons do you get to fire when you attack? All of them? That'd make high Init characters super OP, wouldn't it?

Also, when you take character damage, where does that damage go exactly? What's your char's HP?
1 post omitted

Quest Thread General: Caught in a Snowdrift Edition

No.44878040 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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1064 posts omitted

RPing the Feminist Uprising

No.44862407 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do any of you anon have this PDF? I'm in the mood for a laugh
262 posts and 32 images omitted