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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 91

No.44830196 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is your opinion of elves, /tg/? What about elves that are chocolate in colour?
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No.44836746 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Is Warhammer 40,000 a sexist and.or misogynist setting?

19 posts and 5 images omitted

No.44830294 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>get invited to play a dnd game
>want make a combat focused character
>find out that the DM based his campaign on undertale
>mfw pacifism is encouraged

anyone ever have moments like this?
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No.44847575 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ok, so, the problem with SJW in gaming isn't just a problem with SJWs. It's one shared by a ridiculously huge portion of the gaming community:
Too many people think that a product must cater to their tastes, and that when that product doesn't conform to their tastes, they should run at least a minor campaign of slash and burn in comment sections and discussion boards. The idea that they are not the target audience does not matter to these people because they are so egocentric that they cannot imagine some creator out there not being remade, appended, or otherwise "corrected" to satisfy their desires.

If these people would just shrug at products they didn't like and move on it would be one thing, but they don't, they actively campaign to cause other people to not like whatever happens to have their hackles raised.

This isn't 1989. Almost without exception, there is some game that caters to as many of your pet causes/tastes as can be reasonable no matter the kind of gaming you like. If you don't like something, just let it be. You won't change anything beyond increasing the general level of acrimony in the gaming world.
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No.44848520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why can't people realize 40k has a representation issue?

>They have six different armies: Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Space Wolves, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, and Blood Angels, and of the many people I’ve played with, only a handful don’t play one of them (myself included). They’re also the vanguard of the company and the setting as a whole, with so much more representation in novels, audio dramas and video games than any other faction, it’s frankly a little nuts. They are, in more ways than one, the face of not just Warhammer 40k but of Games Workshop as a whole.

>And they can only be men.

>I mean, they can’t only be men theoretically, and that’s where it gets irritating. See, according to the background (usually called fluff by those who play 40k), only men can be turned into Space Marines, because … you know what, the reasons are just too stupid to go into, and this immediately presents the first major hurdle when discussing the sexual politics of Warhammer 40,000: trying to actually discuss it.

>So thus, whenever the subject of perhaps making a handful of the thousands of Space Marines female, the immediate response is that, according to the fluff, Space Marines can scientifically only be male. This is, of course, nonsense; the science of Space Marines is the science of creating a 7-foot-tall, 800-pound immortal super soldier, and any arguments about scientific accuracy go out the window when you remember that this monstrosity is supposed to be able to fly. The pseudo-science behind the lack of female Space Marines has a few lines about male chromosomes, but it’s all made up science for a made up world, so there’s no actual science stopping Games Workshop from changing it. There is no logical reason why Space Marines can’t be female. Period.
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PDF Share/Request Thread

No.44105035 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't have anything as cool as Dominion Tank Police to share so have some Fallout RPG!K1pHxDLS!o_lFlzEb--JHQtbECg20Kw
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/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General

No.43169419 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Shinigami Savant Quest #51

!Mz/MmOwUgU No.44850312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are Captain Kusajishi Riku, leader of the Ninth Division of the Seireitei Court Guard, and you've had a long couple of days.

Three days ago, you and Yoruichi finally had your long-awaited showdown with Captain Aizen. The battle was intense, and quite honestly you were losing ground to your opponent before being rudely interrupted by an arrancar of massive power and unknown origin. He called himself “Arturo”, and his arrival seemed to provide Aizen with an option for an immediate and clean exit.

He's left the Seireitei in chaos, with the revelation of his treachery and the murder of the Central 46 leaving the no real semblance of a centralized authority beyond the military rule of the remaining Captains over their respective Divisions. For now that seems to be keeping the peace, but whether things can remain this way indefinitely is something you just can't say for sure.

For now you're trying to relax for the first time since that day, having drawn water for a hot bath. But fate it seems has conspired against you. With a loud crash, someone kicks in the door to your bathroom and starts shouting.
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Malifaux/Through the Breach General

No.43570064 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anybody paint anything lately? Shifting Loyalties campaigns? TTB fatemasters who need help interpreting destiny?

I'm getting my Lucius box (+riflemen and beckoners) assembled this weekend, gonna play against my friends new Justice crew. Any advice on how to make him see how fun the game is? Stuff I should leave out for his first game(s)?
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Type A and Type B

No.44845466 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anime fans did something wonderfully intelligent, something fa/tg/uys could learn from.

There's hundreds of ways to categorize anime, and one of the most useful for a fan is Type A and Type B. Originating from Japan's strange practice of assigning personality traits to blood types, the "nicest" way to explain the difference between these two types is that Type A anime is story driven, while Type B is more character driven.

In practice, however, Type A tends to refer to just well-written anime, while Type B is moeblob, borderline hentai, or otherwise series where the plot or any strings of logic don't really matter.

This largely stems from Blood Type A personality being "responsible" while Blood Type B is "irresponsible", and while these labels originally were applied in an attempt to explain the difference between the more mainstream (type A) titles and the late-night airing (type B) anime, it serves as a functional shorthand for "series you can recommend to anyone" and "guilty pleasures."

You can tell just about anyone that Planetes is a good series, even people who profess they are not fans of anime. It's well written, with interesting characters that you don't necessarily need to like in order to appreciate, all in a well designed setting complete with a compelling narrative.

However, on the other side of the Space spectrum, you have to be far more reserved when recommending Galaxy Angel, since that show really depends on whether or not you latch onto one or more of the characters in order to enjoy it. When one of those bizarre, blanketly-anime-hating people are looking for an easy target to say "All anime is terrible", they can easily point to Galaxy Angel and just say "ugh" and "bleh" whenever someone does something adorable.
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