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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 93

No.44696978 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever had to deal with anyone playing the little girl in an RPG campaign? What was it like? It is possible to do it without pissing the rest of the party off?
32 posts and 3 images omitted

No.44693626 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The restaurant refuses to serve your goblin girlfriend.
25 posts and 4 images omitted

Historical Wargames General

No.37401150 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
298 posts and 114 images omitted

PDF Share / Request Thread

No.44621110 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If your game has a General, check there first, odds are they've got what you need in their OP.
257 posts and 70 images omitted

Warhammer 40k General

No.44643880 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
435 posts and 51 images omitted

Mages Guild: Happy Holidays Edition

No.44378754 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hear ye, hear ye. I hereby call to order this meeting of the most illustrious Mages' Guild! It seems that that special time that comes once a year where we can get drunk and take as many suggestive chemicals as possible. The gift giving begins now, and whoever is the one who gave the apprentices snake hands as a present, please only give it to those who actually need the punishment. And please report those who have been egging my room in such a order that the yolk spells out the holiday we are celebrating now. They will be put in my, uh, personal collection. The feasts shall begin next, and all guilds from around the continent are invited! Please do have a good time, I shall relieve myself in my personal quarters.

Welcome to the Mages' Guild. Pick a name and join in! Conflicts are resolved with d20s when needed, or with playing it out. When the thread dies on /tg/, we keep it going on archive.4plebs For additional resources, please visit
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Dungeon Life Quest (DLQ) 27 - Assaulting a Miner Edition

!0C9z3gsEuc No.44627471 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

You are Sir Fetch the Nightfeather, knight in service to Brianna la Croix, and in this battle you are ammunition. Literally.
311 posts and 27 images omitted


No.44603324 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some good /tg/-related podcasts?

I'm particularly looking for RPG series (GM advice, actual play, reviews, etc.), but other /tg/ stuff is fine too.
20 posts and 3 images omitted

No.44592756 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thinking like a near future mecha pilots vs. cthulhu-type monsters game... open to suggestions for both setting and system. Any thoughts /tg/?

Sources of inspiration toward this idea so far:

Heavy Gear
CthulhuTech (I've heard the setting and system are both bad... which is why I'm asking for help with this)
15 posts and 6 images omitted

Quest Thread General "Dead Dominions" edition

No.44441983 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Helpful Links and FAQ:

[Spooky G] (look for the latest thread)
[Spooky G Backup] (I wish we'd use this one...)

Community Communication:
[Stream Chat] #SpookyG @ (Because someone's hyperpotato is too bad to run slack)
[The Cabal] #QMC @ (slightly related to quests; enjoys worldbuilding, mechanics and politics)
[Hugbox] #ques/tg/enerals @ (barely related to quests; enjoys Larro quests and anime)
[QuestMaster Directory] (post your twitter link in Spooky/Lively to get added; accounts that spam quest-unrelated messages may get removed)

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--[Original Version] (fixed to work with; RIP moe)
--[Spooky Variant v32.33] (embeds image links, expands replies inline, adds (You), etc.; recommended)
[4chan X] (Use with Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey)

Akun Fixes:
(information moved to the pastebin)

4chan's Native Extension now allows you to revert to text captcha! Click settings in the top right when you're inside a thread, then go to Quotes and Replying
1156 posts omitted