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A Summary for lazy yiffmeisters:
The legendary Godmodder did battle with the Defenders 4chan in attempt to destroy the site for wasting his time. Antics ensued and the Godmodder became a female due to a magical genderbender dagger and a Anon summoned her past self who died from exposure to /b/
The Godmodder managed to obliterate /pol/ and /b/ in her rampage.
One Defender tried to absorb the dark energy of /b/. They became the /b/east, the a corrupted monstrosity. The Godmodder briefly took control of the /b/east before fleeing inside a wound that was created. The Defenders ventured into the /b/east's entrails and found it's Heart. They prepare to do battle.
A Summary for lazy yiffmeisters:
The legendary Godmodder did battle with the Defenders 4chan in attempt to destroy the site for wasting his time. Antics ensued and the Godmodder became a female due to a magical genderbender dagger and a Anon summoned her past self who died from exposure to /b/
The Godmodder managed to obliterate /pol/ and /b/ in her rampage.
One Defender tried to absorb the dark energy of /b/. They became the /b/east, the a corrupted monstrosity. The Godmodder briefly took control of the /b/east before fleeing inside a wound that was created. The Defenders ventured into the /b/east's entrails and found it's Heart. They prepare to do battle.