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Threads by latest replies - Page 15

No.148063948 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>opening a brand new jar of peanut butter
>this motherfucker appears out of nowhere
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No.148068457 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Scooby Doo reboot

No.148065450 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.148046338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any good comics star him?
why no one like martian man..
45 posts and 8 images omitted

No.148065643 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We conceptualize an ABSOLUTE Marvel:
I'll start.
>Iron Man is now an AIM engineer, not wealthy, in debt to AIM, meaning he has to work for them in the day while fighting them in the night as Iron Man. Instead of multiple suits, he constantly has to modify and jerry-rig his own, often using things like common appliances and industrial machinery to add new weapons mid-fight. Helmet could look like pic-related, to match the hazmat suits of AIM.
>The X-Gene is now the X-Virus. I's not very contagious. Most immune systems immediately destroy it. In some people, however, it ends up in symbiosis with their DNA, and turns them into mutants. At Orchis, understudies Charles Xavier and Magneto are working to cure the virus, until they both contract it. After discovering the amazing powers it gives them, they both split from Orchis. Orchis, having declared Mutants an existential threat to humanity, give up efforts for a cure, instead wanting to eliminate the "Mutant threat."
>Captain America was a mythical WW2 soldier who was lost at sea. He's found years later by Hydra, a secretive Nazi cell that has been hiding out since the end of WW2. Hydra thaws Cap out, and give him an experimental regenerative serum to wake him up, so they can obtain American secrets. The serum they gave him ends up also giving him super-strength, and he has to formulate an escape-plan from Hydra's underwater prison-base thing.
>After Uncle-Ben dies, Spider-man is adopted by JJJ in middle school, just 3 years before he would eventually become spider-man.
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No.148068643 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the the secret behind Ki Bending (the thing that allowed Aang to remove Ozai's bending)?

I'm thinking that it is kinda like Ultra Ego in Dragon Ball, that you have to disregard all sense of unity and selflessness all that typical bullshit, focus entirely on on yourself and detach yourself from any of that crap that random indian guy was saying, which is why so few Avatars and benders in general fail to use this skill because they can't completely focus on themselves and disregard anything else.

No.148054379 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
whats the worst/most ridiculous B plot you can think of from a cartoon?
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No.148066398 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
''And I can't stress this enough,'' Ronnie was told during his quarterly review, ''When the boss comes to kiss you on the cheeks, don't do the thing where you turn your head at the last moment to try and get one on the lips.''
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No.148067416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any Billy the Cowboy Hamster fans out there? I got the season 2 pitch doc