And all it took to me to make you capitulate before me, cease and dessist your otherwise infructuous attempts to contend with my immaculate reasoning, and enter damage control mode in a very embarrassing way, signifying in reality my certified victory and your inconditional surrender and kneeling to me, was to quote to you the most obvious, easy for you to find or check independently, undisputable sources, which wasn't even necessary at all because from the start it was common knowledge to anyone even just minimally familiar with the subject, and which was actually something I didn't plan to do and shouldn't have been forced to do, due to the obvious nature of the matter at hand and the profound retardedness and inappropriateness of your demanding me to do it. But you forced me to lower myself, and I finally did it by providing you with the quotes, and oh boy it was worth it, for you did shut the fuck up immediately after being proved literally wrong in such a clear and immutable fashion; you quickly panicked, gave up, tacitly kneeled to me, and disappeared with your tails between your legs. And it was beautiful. Once again, the taste and feeling of victory after tearing some plebeians a new one.