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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 119


No.90958612 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can I find a riseup invite code? Where do Riseup users hang out? I had an account many years ago, but lost it sadly. I'd love to get on the service again. Hopefully I can get into disroot at least.
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No.80304329 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is there anything like ragezone nowadays? i loved seeing people's projects, building their own runescape shit, habbo emulators etc

Websites Thread

No.86028063 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post websites you like or find interesting, useful and/or important.
150 posts and 26 images omitted

Creepy Radio Thread

No.90722908 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's a wideband radio receiver with a web interface hosted at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. It picks up nautical broadcasts and all sorts of creepy signals coming from military vessels and islands. It even gets some US stations.

1. Go to
2. Scroll/zoom to a random lit up stripe of the waterfall
3. Click on the dark spot below the waterfall to tune to that band
4. Adjust your type (AM, FM, etc) until audible
5. Adjust your filter width on the right control
6. Post and discuss the frequency, type, and width of stations you find

Physical map of some of the stations:

Full day's visual waterfall:
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No.90918698 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any way to see Usenet archives that isn't Google Groups shit?

Chinkpad Trannies are seething

No.84005338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.85632242 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts on chromebooks?
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No.90885427 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My niece told me that she is physically unable to move when I am in her space. What does this mean?

No.78595362 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trusted computing is a spook. The technology was developed by Microsoft and the TCPA(now known as the TCG, future creators of the TPM) specifically to restrict users rights to deal with copyrighted media and code as they wish. The first prototypes were made specifically to prevent Windows 2000 users from lawfully backing up their DVD media by removing the users access to the code running on their computer.
Look up NGSCB, all this technology was meant to integrated into Longhorn, some of it got in. TPM lives.
If anyone tells you they're trying to make technology to defend against Evil Maid or any physical access attacks, they're trying to restrict your ability to freely use your computer.

No.90789404 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw first time updating my BIOS
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