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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 141

No.91532050 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My niece constantly ridicules me and publicly embarrasses me, and I can't tell her without hurting her feelings. How do I get her to stop?
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No.91522288 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it possible to generate "that" with those text to image AIs? In minecraft of course.
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No.91517066 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Um, anons, have you heard about this?

>I know you are mostly interested in image generating AI, but I'd like to inform you about new restrictive things happening right now.
It is mostly about language models (GPT3, ChatGPT, Bing, CharacterAI), but affects AI and AGI sphere, and purposefully targeting open source projects. There's no guarantee this won't be used against the image generative AIs.

>Here's a new paper by OpenAI about required restrictions by the government to prevent "AI misuse" for a general audience, like banning open source models, AI hardware (videocards) limitations etc.

>Basically establishing an AI monopoly for a megacorporations.


>So while we have some time, we must spread the information about the inevitable global AI dystopia and dictatorship.

>This video was supposed to be a meme, but it looks like we are heading exactly this way

If they force the few video card manufacturers to implement restrictions, literally how would AI image generators even work anymore?
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/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread

No.91465929 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Users of all levels welcome.
Share Windows tools, utilities, tips & tricks.

>How do I activate Windows?
HWID mimics upgrade activation to generate a permanent legitimate license. (works on non-VL editions only)

>>Which W10 version should I install?
Comes with bloatware apps (games, music, news, etc) and bloatware system apps
Comes with bloatware system apps (weather, people, onedrive, teams, etc).
>LTSC (5 years support, VL/KMS only) / IoT LTSC (10 years support, HWID only)
Comes with Win32 system utils, no MS Store, no apps. It's basically W10: W7 Edition
If you need MS Store, run this in cmd: wsreset -i
Install Xbox/Gamebar apps for feature parity with other versions.

>Do I even need IoT LTSC?
W10 Home/Pro/Edu/Ent editions end support in 2025, LTSC in 2027, IoT LTSC in 2032.

>How do I activate Office?
Emulates a KMS server, not ideal as KMS can trip your AV and deactivate. Alternatively, use MSOffice through your browser since it's free.
Or you can try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save as MSOffice file formats.

>Where can I get Windows/Office ISOs?
Other sources:

>Should I debloat or Optimize-Offline?
If you need to ask, then no. You WILL break something.
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & partitioning for reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs for a new install

>Make 4chan/fwt easier to browse

>I miss Windows##

>Is W11 good?


Previous thread: >>91406888
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No.91460617 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
today i got some mail that my hospital records were obtained by some malware. what's the point of privacy if i can't even go to the hospital with some stupid shit like this ruining everything.
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Need a big and reliable desktop hard drive

No.91447571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My 4TB is running out of space and I don't want to have an EHD connected all the time or multiple hard drives in my bay. Problem is I can only find NAS or Surveillance drives for those over 6TB.
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No.91221125 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
AI will replace artist-ACK...
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The Linux to tranny pipeline is real

No.91429704 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>love windows but hate how it hogs my ram
>start reading about microsoft's telemetry and anti-privacy policies online
>switch to linux to escape resource hell ms is putting on my system
>start with ubuntu because it seems beginner friendly
>daily drive it for a couple of months but start wanting something a little easier to customize
>hear about arch linux
>install it with i3 window manager
>start actively enjoying ricing desktops; post them on r/unixporn and /g/ desktop threads
>get positive responses
>buy programming socks for the memes
>mfw they're actually comfortable and I wear them all the time
>start placing a priority on customizing things
>every single day I would change my wallpaper and color scheme
>one day I get the temptation to buy women's dresses irl so I can make my presentation match my computer
>install gentoo soon after to absolutely kill resource usage
>now I do not even recognize myself in a mirror
Bros stay away from Linux if you don't want to become a woman, it will grab you when you least expect it
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No.91407574 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
which technologies can help me with cyberbullying roasties ?
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No.91351426 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is there any demand for giving computer literacy lessons to the youth? I know zoomers these days don't even know how to manage files and directories and get lost the moment they are on an actual desktop OS. I'm thinking a from your own home, one-on-one kinda thing, where you tailor the lessons to the individual's needs. Parents could schedule lessons and drop them off at your place for learning sessions.
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