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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 164

No.86540632 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

I'll start:

>Junior Engineer, Code Management
>£38,000 ($49,627.96)
90 posts and 11 images omitted

No.86546294 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
iiii dont have plans and schemes
and iiiiii dont have hopes and dreams
oh iiiiiiii dont have anything
since i dont havee youuuuu

No.86548351 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm trying to find a security system that will help me with my landlords weekly visits. I understand that I agreed to these weekly inspections in the terms of the lease but what really bugs me is how he doesn't knock or anything he just starts unlocking the door and walking in. So I want to install some discrete cameras so I at least have a heads up when he starts walking up to my door. I'm a poorfag so I'm looking at DIYing a setup with some IP cameras and some basic software for monitoring the cameras while on my network and while at work. Does anyone have any good IP camera recommendations? They don't even have to be necessarily secure as it only points outside of my dwelling towards the street so I don't give a shit if other people are able to see it.
194 posts and 18 images omitted

No.86457470 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Reichmacs edition

>General Emacs resources (GNU Emacs Manual) (Emacs Wiki) (Big list of packages) (Tips for prose writing in Emacs)

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial) (GNU Emacs Tour) (General Introduction) (Org Mode) (Advanced Configuration)

>(Self) Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h o (Functions and Variables)
C-h i (Assorted Manuals)

>Premade Configs
=Make your own= (Doom Emacs) (Spacemacs (heavy)) (Witchmacs)

>Reduce Startup Time
use-package defer (embed) (Disable GC during startup) (Emacs as Daemon) (Native Compilation, stable, merged into Emacs 28)

>Changing Default Keybinds

>Programming resources for Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp, Scheme and Clojure:
If there seems to be a bug (or complicated issue), anons may ask you to compose an MWE (minimum working example).
To create an MWE, try the following:
1) start emacs with "emacs -q". This disables your init.
2) try to reproduce your issue with as few settings changed and packages (manually) loaded as possible.
These steps ensure that other anons can replicate your problem if it's something more involved. Sometimes you even find the cause yourself this way, too!

>Previous Thread
333 posts and 38 images omitted

Pirate FM radio station

No.85731410 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I've always fantasized about being an FM radio DJ, and I've been doing research on the feasibility of doing a pirate FM radio station. Seems based on the FCC's website they have never put out a fine for running a pirate FM radio station in my state and have only put out 2 warnings. A 15W chinkshit transmitter is only 200 bucks, and the terrain here is very flat with few buildings above 3 stories in a town of 100kish. I don't really know that much about the physics of radio other than put the antenna up high and don't use someone else's frequency.
As for the law, it says nothing about a jail sentence and what I am reading it sounds like they are only putting agents in the top 5 cities who will leave you alone unless you are causing trouble for licensed stations, and will likely just send a warning if you aren't making money or doing anything explicit/criminal.
As for how I would do it I considered:
1. Running it out of my house only when I am home at late night hours.
2. Running it out of my house on autoplay 24/7 and just say fuck it.
3. Be sneaky and run it out of my truck at specific times.
4. Do way more research and setup offsite transmitters I can reach with a directional uplink in some trees on a vacant lot or something (probably a fantasy).

Am I retarded? I feel like if I wait to do this I will never get the chance.
36 posts and 4 images omitted

No.86532931 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Chinese lockdown is delaying everything and driving prices up again.
195 posts and 35 images omitted

/dpt/ - daily programming thread

No.86523897 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
last >>86517069
what are you working on /g/?
322 posts and 42 images omitted

No.86516562 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/g/ humour thread
352 posts and 127 images omitted

No.86512711 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will joining them help me get a good /g/ job?
40 posts and 2 images omitted

/dhg/ - Data Hoarding General

No.86492907 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>What is /dhg/
In this thread we discuss and create technology and software for data-hoarding, archiving, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network




>The best SSDs for hoarding

>The best external SSD, for portable but slow storage

>The best HDD, if you're poor
39 posts and 14 images omitted