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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 167

No.87346571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want set up my own media server in my local network. Is an extern hdd and Raspberry Pi 4 enough?
40 posts and 31 images omitted

No.88377845 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sirs, is c# better than java?
9 posts and 2 images omitted

Mac Support Dropped.

No.88378844 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 posts and 1 image omitted

/hpg/ - Headphones General

No.88369789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How to request:
>Open or closed
>Over-ear or on-ear
>Intended use / Favorite music
>Other requirements

>Do I need a dedicated amplifier?
Probably not. A line-level output is not appropriate for headphones, but just about any headphone jack on general consumer electronics will output with some gain-- you need to get into specialized audiophile stuff before you're expected to supply your own amp just to use it. Until then, the amplifier built into your phone, PC, Playstation controller, or whatever will work for most normal headphones. For less normal headphones, whether you need a dedicated headphone amp depends on sensitivity (most important) and impedance (less important):
low impedance, high sensitivity -> No
low impedance, low sensitivity -> Yes
high impedance, high sensitivity -> Yes, but this config is still somewhat decent without an amp
high impedance, low sensitivity -> YES, you will need a thick and beefy amp for this one

>Do I need a DAC?
Yes, if you want to listen to digital media. Most dedicated DACs in 2022 are more than competent; spending anything more than $100 on a dedicated DAC will not measurably affect the signal quality. Higher-priced DACs may offer you controls and a screen you like more, different input/output connections, and so on. Look for DACs that support high resolution ( >44.1 Khz) and bit depth (>16 bit).

>Good reviewers?
They all suck in their own way, take all of their takes with a grain of salt.

Previous thread
9 posts omitted

/spg/ - Smartphone General

No.88359973 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you're requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you'll be using. Include the features you want, budget, and size. BEFORE POSTING, narrow down your options by using the links below.

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checker

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>A curated list of open source Android applications, tutorials and resources

>Android App compatibility list for de-googled phones

>Custom ROMs suggestions, privacy guides

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>88328529
14 posts and 3 images omitted

No.84631613 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mfw when a pro-”user-owned” webiste links to discord
Explain yourselves yesterweb
22 posts and 3 images omitted

No.86718971 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was looking through some old archived Geocities sites and found a functioning download link to a DOS program demonstrating how neural networks would work made around the late 90's. It was made by the site owner's husband and I doubt many people have seen it.

The page:
Direct download link:
Catbox mirror just in case™:

/cumg/ - Coom Utilities & More General

No.88343713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>What is /cumg/
In this thread we discuss and create technology and software for cooming, data-hoarding, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network


>LoliSnatcher Droid

2 posts and 1 image omitted

DIE endTROOSung DER JOSHenenfrage!!!!!!

No.88342246 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
82 posts and 11 images omitted

/cumg/ - Coom Utilities & More General

No.88315662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is /cumg/
In this thread we discuss and create technology and software for cooming, data-hoarding, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network


>LoliSnatcher Droid

135 posts and 30 images omitted