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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 169

No.87456682 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You...can type fast, right /g/? You're on the computer all day, you better be able to.
51 posts and 29 images omitted

No.87814811 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>kill feature
>re-implement it later but worse
11 posts and 1 image omitted

GLFW deleted my bug report, had my github banned.

No.87793165 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>Note: when logged in it shows as if it's "still there". Not the passive aggressive shadow banning.

I want these faggots to die.
I am so fucking glad Russia is MURDERING white faggots like this.

MANY of the pro-women's rights, pro-gay, white people ARE DEAD in ukraine.
I am VERY happy about that.
I hope it gets worse.
48 posts and 10 images omitted

Ethical hacking

No.87787185 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where can I learn ethical hacking?

No.87754293 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't seem to find anything to talk about with my niece. Our conversations are dull and quiet. How do I fix this?
26 posts and 5 images omitted

No.87707057 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are you consooming on Prime Day?
368 posts and 60 images omitted

No.12025649 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Droid X nukes itself if you try to mod it

Seriously, what the fuck?
17 posts and 3 images omitted

is gentoo better than arch?

No.87646406 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ive been using arch linux for a long time and now im considering changing to gentoo

why people hate systemd?
and why gentoo is better?
14 posts omitted

No.87692231 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it even possible to watch age restricted videos without a fucking jewgle account anymore?? Do they do all age restrictions back end now?? Newpipe can't play age restricted content anymore. Redirect sites are all broken. And worst of fucking all, is when you try to search the internet for workarounds to this new problem, you just get Indian AI generated articles that are fake. What the fuck. I refuse to make a jewgle account just to listen to pic rel. So PISSED OFF by this shit.

I will go Nasim on youtube. Not a joke. Fuck feds. Fuck youtube. NIGGER.

No.87676196 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here.

>Janitors need to have a basic understanding of Discord.
>Janitors are expected to maintain regular contact with the moderation team via Discord
>Janitors should be present in the Discord channel
>All selected applicants must go through an orientation process via Discord
I guess /g/ will never have good janitors.
46 posts and 1 image omitted