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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 171

No.87487603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
reminder this fat faggot literally NEVER installed linux
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No.87000156 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone send me a invite at [email protected]
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No.86655416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In 1943, Dorothy Vaughan, a 32-year-old high school mathematics teacher, started a new job. She became a Grade P1 mathematician, helping with the wartime effort at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory. As the prime aircraft test facility of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), Langley was racing to make combat planes fly further, faster, on less fuel. To process the deluge of data from wind tunnels and other experiments, Langley needed number crunchers. It found them in “human computers”. These mathematicians were all women and, thanks to a recent executive order banning racial discrimination in defence hiring, many – like Vaughan – were black.

In 1949, Vaughan was made head of West Computing. Though it was segregated, Vaughan was nevertheless the first black woman to hold the position and the first black supervisor at NACA. She remained in the role until 1958, when the unit was shut down and NACA became NASA. On one hand, it was a victory for integration: Vaughan took a position working side-by-side with men and women of all races, programming the new electronic computers. On the other hand, Vaughan would never regain the rank she had held at West Computing, though she stayed with NASA until 1971, distinguishing herself as an expert FORTRAN programmer.
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No.87482400 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How easy is it to run your own private searx instance? How customizable is it vs using a public one? Is it worth the effort?
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No.87480890 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would people get married in a GNU/Linux store?
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Authenticated Reality introduces the New Internet

No.61439986 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Sign up for “The New Internet” and create an account by using your Drivers License and Social media accounts. Once done, you are ready to surfThe New Internet.
>Everyone is Authenticatedon The New Internet and therefore held accountable for their actions so you are safe once again on the Internet.
>It is easy after you sign up and download the software for your gateway to The New Internet you are free to surf while rating and commenting all webpages on the internet while knowing each and every user is real.
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No.81927059 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm 37.
I was born in 84.
In the 90s, I had a PC..
Amiga, (Motorola 68020 CPU, 7mhz, 2 Meg ram)
Later, PC, pentium, 166mhz.. 16 Meg ram..


hey, mom, can I phone my friend!?
NO that costs a pennyba minute!!!
Get on your bike, and go talk!!

When lonely, I didn't go on Facebook, or some other website...
I went to kwik-save car park (England).. If no one was there, I sat and waited... But 90% of the time, some other kid was there...

Later, still 90s, I went to parties...
No one had a phone, you had to socialise.... Or state the wall!!

Given those 2 options, it was impossible to not make friend's, some of which would be girls...
Sex was eventually inevitable.

Because friend groups were like 20 at most, competition was always pretty low.

When I eventually got an internet connection, there were no Normie's... A internet bwas for losers.. No one admitted to it. Encarta was good enough.

We used to socialise in person!!!!

Tech ruined everything.

The Amish were right about everything EXCEPT the time period.

I'm Starting a new movement...
Amish, except, 1994!!!!

You can have a PC... And games...
But only connectivity is BBS..
7mhz CPUs... 2 Meg ram...

Game s will be less realistic.....
But you will have real physical friends, and girlfriend's.

Join me!!!

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Cool alt tech website thread: FormerlyChucks Edition

No.87451197 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Made by a /g/ fag
Self hosted
Two factor authentication with email
UI decent
No IPS stoored
AI for detecting post spam
Full moderation suite


What does /g/ think?

Formerlychucks dot net
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No.87448601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is a PowerMac G5 the ideal cunny storage device
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No.87424610 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lock it. Lock it now. This is the friendliest message I'm going to send, while I look for ways to get OP banned from Github for gross social misconduct. I imagine that "owner of bots universe" might be enough to get that account tagged as a bot, who knows how many communities across however many repositories that person just bothered across all of Github.
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