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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 172

No.87424610 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lock it. Lock it now. This is the friendliest message I'm going to send, while I look for ways to get OP banned from Github for gross social misconduct. I imagine that "owner of bots universe" might be enough to get that account tagged as a bot, who knows how many communities across however many repositories that person just bothered across all of Github.
8 posts and 1 image omitted

No.87429322 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any non-censored search engine out there these days?
Every time I look up a question, even in DuckDuckGo, it's always the same 3 'reliable sources'
I just want stuff that's the most relevant not some google-approved expert blog

Instagram Bots

No.76575206 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to run some Instagram campaigns and I want use a bot that runs locally instead of paying $10/mo for some shittywack cloud service. Can anyone recommend a decent auto-like script?
>inb4 instagram is for plebs
8 posts and 1 image omitted

Are there solid state drives reliable

No.87417005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.87396890 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Your website is trash if you use picrel.
Simple as
76 posts and 6 images omitted

No.87376020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

The NEW /g/ OS guide

!!Rd3YFuHmOQW No.83564600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /g/. After almost 2 months of procrastination and eye strain I've created an updated and interactive version of the /g/ OS guide from the /g/ wiki. I made it using Twine and I haven't tried to stylize it at all but I think it's good enough for a v1.0 release or whatever.

If all you see is plain text, save it as an html file and run it in your browser.

Guide changelog (might be missing some things):
>Removed a bunch of discontinued or dormant OSes
>Changed "Tails" to "Heads"
>Added mini-guide for improving Windows (thx /fwt/ <3)
>Separated Ubuntu and ElementOS
>Moved VMS out of the Unix based distros
>Added Inferno and 9front to the Plan 9 page
>Replaced eComStation with ArcaOS
>Replaced Bio-Linux with Debian Med
>Added ParrotOS to Penetration
>Replaced Electrical Engineering with Robotics
>Media Center distro is now LibreELEC
>Replaced all gaming Linux distros with SteamOS 3.0
>Replaced CrunchBang with BunsenLabs
>Replaced Scientific Linux and CentOS with Rocky Linux
>Replaced Sabayon with MocaccinoOS
>Made Bodhi classified as "Ubuntu based"
>Added Devuan and Artix

Potential things to do:
>Include Manjaro
>Include Pop!OS
>Include MX Linux
>Include EndeavourOS
>Include Hyperbola
>Include Salix Linux
>Include Slax Linux
>Remove Ubuntu (or replace with Kubuntu)
>Replace PCLinuxOS with something else (Mageia maybe?)
>Replace Frugalware with something else (Probably a similar Slackware fork. Ideas appreciated.)
>Replace Chakra with something else (Probably KeOS)
>Make a hard split between systemd and non-systemd distros
>Add a distro for game emulation (Recalbox, Batocera, etc.)
>Make the formatting prettier (Probably not gonna happen)

Feel free to make suggestions.
70 posts and 14 images omitted

No.48088696 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we have oe-cake thread? Most fun physics sim imo.

Post what you've made.
17 posts and 4 images omitted

No.87304340 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here we go. Dubs decides what I write
42 posts and 11 images omitted

No.87247615 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Why yes, we copied window managers for MacOS Ventura. How could you tell?
29 posts and 2 images omitted