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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 178

twitch leaks part one

No.83691438 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We bring to you today an extremely poggers leak:

Twitch is an American video live streaming service that focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competitions, operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of, Inc.

Their community is also a disgusting toxic cesspool, so to foster more disruption and competition in the online video streaming space, we have completely pwned them, and in part one, are releasing the source code from almost 6,000 internal Git repositories, including:

> Entirety of, with commit history going back to its early beginnings
> Mobile, desktop and video game console Twitch clients
> Various proprietary SDKs and internal AWS services used by Twitch
> Every other property that Twitch owns including IGDB and CurseForge
> An unreleased Steam competitor from Amazon Game Studios
> Twitch SOC internal red teaming tools (lol)

AND: Creator payout reports from 2019 until now. Find out how much your favorite streamer is really making!

Torrent (128GB): magnet:?xt=urn:btih:N5BLZ6XECNEHHARHJOVQAS4W7TWRXCSI&dn=twitch-leaks-part-one&
Repository listing:

Jeff Bezos paid $970 million for this, we're giving it away FOR FREE.

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No video = impossible to fill a HDD?

No.83865313 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine if you bought a helium HDD these days, they are 16TB in size?

How do you fill it if we make an artificial limit which says you cannot put any video innit?

Video =
-tv series
-home videos (worksafe)
-speed running games
-best youtube streams ever which you wanted to keep for yourself to watch later in case its removed from internet
-video surveillance footage
-nature documents

That leaves us with all other kind of content possible. How to get 16TB filled?

-RAW camera images (these can get large I presume, still you probably need millions of these to fill up a drive)
-MP3 music (you will never fill 16TB with this)
-.ISO images of Windows software, OS:es, games (there maybe 16TB worth of Windows software made during the years 2000 - 2020, not sure but I wouldnt say this is impossible)
-PDF documents (unsure if you can find 16TB of documents without there being serious problem with duplicates)
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No.83866097 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
18 months ago I had never written a line of code and was only mathematically capable of basic algebra.

Last week I got hired at FAANG as a full-time SDE.

This board is full of morons and NEETs who can barely even fizzbuzz without looking something up. It's pathetic. There's so much FREE info out there. You can pirate any textbook every written in minutes. You can learn the relevant parts of a CS degree for free on coursera+edx alone.

I'd list the specific books/courses/prep I went through to pull myself from literal-tendie-autist to $180k-per-year-starting-TC but I'd just get bombarded with NEETs aggressively greentexting at me and having their fanboy wars over the language I started with like it fucking matters.

If you're reading this and realize a life of ricing a shitty linux environment and pretending anyone cares what browser you use just to posture for clout on a dying anime forum is not a good life: go take a course.
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No.68523943 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
but isn't Apple supposed to be the overpriced one?

>higher resolution, higher quality panel
>keeps receiving updates, runs the latest OS
>only 40 bucks difference
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No.83416818 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lol so I setup my VPS to return a picture of my friend's big black cock on all routes that end with .php, and made my server's .env file public but basically just has a message telling hackers to fuck off. I feel like someone's gonna get mad and DDoS it for doing this lmao. Do any of you guys ever just troll skids who run their tools that try various exploits from the CVE like this? I hope they wake up and are just like "oh boy! my tool detected a vulnerable server" just to see this shit
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/cumg/ - Cooming Utilities & More General

No.83841274 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
FChannel General:
Endchan General:
Matrix space:

>What is /cumg/
In this thread we discuss technology and software for cooming, data-hoarding, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network


>LoliSnatcher Droid



Previous: >>83840764
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Looking for help in searching for information about the mathematics of gambling technologies.

No.77913965 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for help in searching for information about the mathematics of gambling technologies. Actually, I'm interested in the description of how the backend calculating/adjusts RTP and related things, for any kind of games such as slot machines or lotto. The algorithms, books, code snippets, a hint for what math area explaining such calculations. The only books that I found about that are (The Mathematics of Slots: Configurations, Combinations, Probabilities) on Amazon, but there is no e-version of this book and I can't buy it in my region.
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/bpg/ - The Beginner Programmer's General, #50

No.83783211 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS edition (also fuck off T_D culture war obsessed scum edition)

Last thread: >>83782986

>What is this?
/bpg/ is the Beginner's Programmer General, your one-stop shop for all things pertaining to learning the ropes of the fascinating world of computer science. The idea of a "beginner's general" is borrowed from /ic/.

>"How do I learn programming?"
>"Which language should I start with?"
>"What are tools I can use to program?"
See the document at >>>> <<<<

A lot of people on /dpt/ ask the same sort of questions and it devolves into a shitshow. The hope is that by separating we can slow down /dpt/ and are able to have more substantial discussions in both threads.

Python script to generate the thread image:

>I want to talk off-thread
Scroll to the bottom of the rentry. IRC, Matrix and Discord are provided and are all bridged together.
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No.82418951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the desktop PC market the only one where Microsoft is #1?
Servers: Linux dominates
Smartphones: Apple and Google dominate (Windows Phone is literally dead)
Cloud services: Amazon dominates
Gaming consoles: Nintendo and Sony dominate
Online game stores: Valve dominates
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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

No.69533329 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lisp is the most powerful programming language.
What are you working on, /g/?

Last thread: >>69526430
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