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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 187

+NIGGER License

No.85309711 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
+NIGGER is about fucking freedom and we mean it. Freedom means freedom to copy and modify and share works of art and science with the rest of mankind, but also freedom to say NIGGER without direct and indirect repercussions, for thinking spics and niggers should hang from trees. People die to niggers. Don’t tell me that there is something sacred enough that it must be protected from the mere existence of the word “NIGGER”. If the N in +NIGGER offends you, then fuck you and your niggardly beliefs. You triple nigger.

/megu/ - Megumin's gooning utilities

No.85284452 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.82057533 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What kinds of magical and exciting technology that exists and its simply hidden from us?

Not paranormal, real things that science believes but soience gets incredibly mad?

Telluric and magnetotelluric energies exist, you can harness energy by simply putting two metal rods on the ground or by having a sufficiently large antenna that resonates with earths frequency, in fact they used that in the past for telegraphs and is still used today for many things

>inb4 huur how we make that uninteresting and irrelevant so it can be accepted by soience
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No.85288650 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I love lolis so fucking much
Techloli/g/y thread
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imageboards are dead and we killed them

No.85276494 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>All PHP imageboard software has stopped development or gets a small commit every 3 months
>Imageboard lists no longer maintained
This is the end of imageboards, it's a dying genre in front of our eyes yet we refuse to take action, I guess we'll be all shitposting on Facebook in 5 years.
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How would you make this shithole better?

No.85284937 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Which technologies, functionalities or ideas would you implement to make this a viable site, which users would you appease, the roughly five oldfags that have been around since ancient days, or would you try to expand the cancer that grew since roughly 2016?
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mm. yum

No.85278470 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.71859945 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
who has the superior credit system?
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No.85214700 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
As hiro allowed us to have.

We have yet to hear an official explanation on why jannies are deleting /cumg/ thread that aren't breaking any rule.
The past 5 threads have been deleted without an explanation, and no ban seems to have been issued, indicating the issue comes from a rogue janny rather than a moderator.
This janny is clearly abusing its power by shutting down entire threads for behavior that can only be attributed to individual posters. You wouldn't delete threads where these posted exhibit the same behavior, right? So why /cumg/ would be an exception? If the OP doesn't break any rule then there's no reason to remove it. Another proof is that if rules were broken, bans or warning would be issued, but they aren't.
Focus on individual posts, or else they might just move to other threads where you won't see them.

This is a meta-thread as it concerns moderation issues on this board and a clear lack of communication on their part.
Deleting this thread will mean moderation has given up on finding common ground with their users, and that as such, we may proceed to freely metastasize to other threads were it will be much harder to keep us in check.
Do so knowingly.
161 posts and 17 images omitted

No.85273819 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/cumg/ Comfy utilities & more general

>What is /cumg/
NOT the old porn related general, for software related to storing, hoarding, sorting NON LEWD images.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network

>LoliSnatcher Droid
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