>>85214373 >A girl isn't ready for marriage until she completed puberty.Wrong, dipshit nu-Jew (following white belief systems).
YHWH allows pre-pubecent marraige.
A girl is not considered a true virgin after first blood. Not that a white-larping nu-Jew would know anything about that.
> Around 16, 17, 18. Girl is used until she's no longer a virgin through which she enters womanhood. If you're going to criticize my religion at least learn my language and try to understand past your own ego. Wrong. Na'ar means child. Padia means child. Puella means child.
Just because you are now taught a false doctrine and corrupted words
(Girl child really means ADULT WOMAN!!!!) doesn't make it so.
Your modern religion is false. You think you know more than you do: mishling faggot.
Enjoy your vaccine-genocide.