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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 189

No.85609778 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>What is /dhg/
In this thread we discuss and create technology and software for data-hoarding, archiving, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network




>The best SSDs for hoarding

>The best external SSD, for portable but slow storage

>The best HDD, if you're poor

Previous Thread: >>85551025

No.85589430 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do I overclock my GPU using MSI Afterburner. this is my first time.
18 posts and 7 images omitted

No.85578301 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go to IRC channel to ask a tech questions, because there is no discord channel
>no one replies

No wonder people hate open sores
11 posts and 1 image omitted

/dhg/ - Data Hoarding General

No.85259453 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>What is /dhg/
In this thread we discuss and create technology and software for data-hoarding, archiving, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network



Previous Thread: >>85222041
324 posts and 63 images omitted

No.84938918 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you wonder why is Arch suddenly having many out of date packages, especially core packages like glibc and gcc, it's because main developer steped down
it's over for Arch
25 posts and 4 images omitted

No.85547757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> two (2) versions behind chrome

25 posts and 7 images omitted

/ahoge/ - Awesome Hoarding General

No.85432435 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are you tired of downloading images one by one and searching through a convoluted folder hierarchy to find your favorite half naked 2hu? Look no further. Here in /ahoge/ we have curated an awesome selection of software and hardware that will solve all of your data hoarding problems, whether you are an archiver, gooner, or simply a home server enthusiast. We have tools for hoarding, organizing, and even automatically tagging images & videos so you can focus on enjoying your stash. Aside from the curated utilities below, we also write scripts - but keep in mind that we don't do it for free.

>gallery-dl & imgbrd-grabber - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network, the all-in-one datahoarding & tagging solution

>Stash, for the 3DPD enjoyer

>The best SSDs for coomhoarding

>The best external SSD, for portable but slow storage

>The best HDD, if you're poor
102 posts and 8 images omitted

No.85505507 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is someone with a computer science degree actually qualified to do?

Man saves RAM on Windows 11 by hiding an icon

No.85499028 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Plenty of apps that you install on your computer have a setting that tells them to launch when you initially log in to save you the trouble of launching your most commonly used apps yourself. Leaving this setting on can also allow apps to check for updates or launch more quickly when you start them for the first time.

>The difference for some of the preinstalled Microsoft apps in Windows 10 and 11 is that they use some of these resources by default,

whether you actually use the apps or not. Developer and IT admin Michael Niehaus drew attention to some of these apps in recent blog posts examining the resource usage of Windows 11's widgets, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Edge in a fresh install of Windows 11 (the Edge observations apply to Windows 10, too).

>Both Widgets and Teams spawn a number of Microsoft Edge WebView2 processes in order to work

—WebView2 is a way to use Edge and its rendering engine without launching Edge or using its user interface. Collectively, these processes use a few hundred megabytes of memory to work. The widget-related processes don't start unless you actually click the widgets button, though they remain in the background afterward, even if you're not actively viewing your widgets.

>But the Teams processes all launch automatically, whether you actually use Teams or not.

Uninstalling Teams will prevent this from happening, but Niehaus points out that simply removing the Teams icon from Windows 11's Taskbar in the Taskbar settings is enough to keep these WebView2 processes from launching when you log in.
13 posts and 3 images omitted

/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

No.85462378 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Read the sticky: >>76759434

>GNU/Linux questions >>>/g/fglt
>Windows questions >>>/g/fwt
>PC building? >>>/g/pcbg
>Programming questions >>>/g/dpt
>Good, cheap laptops >>>/g/tpg
>Cheap electronics >>>/g/csg
>Server questions >>>/g/hsg
>Buying headphones >>>/g/hpg

How to find/activate any version of Windows?

Previous Thread: >>85444932
313 posts and 43 images omitted