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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 197

No.38087806 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: we hacker news now

My lean startup has been focusing on building our MVP, but we may pivot soon. We need to attract more angles so we can keep iterating quickly.
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Sci Hub Safety

No.80769702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the realistic chance of having your computer compromised by downloading a PDF from this website?
I've seen a lot of FUD and ISP's locking down this website in the UK. Is there a credible threat to consumers of this website or is it mainly a threat to people who give access to their journal accounts?
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No.76811909 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT technology that scares and confuses the zoomer
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No.28991857 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Wow, it's starting to look like this kid is actually serious.
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No.72048755 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what's the best domain extension?
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No.22858464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/g/, I need your help. I have an assignment in java (yes, the language no one likes) Can you help me? I use netbeans.

Here's the assignment:

Project I,

program that reads data for three students. Each student's data consists of a first name, last name (as 2 separate inputs), and two exam scores. For each student, concatenate the first and last names separated by a space and calculate their average exam grade. Output the concatenated name followed by five spaces, their first exam score, 5 spaces, their second exam score, five spaces, and the individual's average exam score. (Note: you can cause 5 spaces to be output by enclosed them in quotation marks just as you would any other string, " ".) After the data for each individual student has been output, output the overall average score for the group of students. If the overall average score is greater than 80, output the message "What an awesome class!". If the average is 80 or less but greater than 70, output the message "Not bad for the first exam." If the average is equal to or less than 70, output the message, "Looks like we need a new teacher!" Do not use any loops or arrays - using only the programming techniques presented through chapter 3.1 of your text. Your output does not need to look particularly nice or be formatted. See my attached example.

Use the Scanner class to input values. Avoid the common mistake to hard code values in the program.
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Sansa Clip+ Federal Prison Edition

No.35301497 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In an innovative move by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), federal inmates are now allowed to purchase MP3 players from their institution's commissary and individual MP3 files through their housing unit's Trust Fund Limited Inmate Communication System (TRULINCS) computers. This system is offered via a federal contract with Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) and has now been implemented system-wide in federal prisons. Private contract prisons which house federal prisoners (e.g., Corrections Corporation of America and the GEO Group) are not included in this service's coverage population.

Inmates may purchase from their institution's commissary a SanDisk 8GB Clip+ for the price of $69.20. These MP3 players, which have been modified to not allow for voice recording or the use of the micro SD slot, hold around 1,800 songs, contain a rechargeable battery, a FM radio, a built-on plastic clip, and come equipped with earbud style headphones. They are very small, only 2" high x 1 1/4" wide (Because of the compactness of the device, inmates tend to make holding cases which can be hung around their necks to ensure the safety of the device).

After purchase, inmates are allowed to activate the MP3 player on the TRULINCS computer system via their personal TRULINCS account. Once activated, each MP3 player owner will be allowed to browse music selections for a maximum of 60 minutes per day (in 15-minute time intervals), listen to up to 30 music samples a day (in 30-second samples), save songs to their wish list for future purchase, and purchase songs. Through this system inmates can also delete previously purchased songs and, therefore, delete them from their MP3 players.
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Worst job / resume fraud you've ever seen?

No.80189926 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey g. I recently had a coworker who had lied about their entire work history and skill set, they somehow had someone else do the interview for them and survived 2 months on the job before lying their way into another one. How is it possible that people can get away with this? What's the worst example you've ever seen?
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No.81885426 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What replaced forums? Where the fuck am I supposed to be?
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No.81884964 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>people uniornically use Google Assistant/Bixby/Siri/Alexa
>people uniornically use facial recognition to unlock their phones
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