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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 199

No.72380594 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am an artist who would like to make a video game.
Could I learn how to do this within 6 months, teaching myself for a couple hours a day
Where do I start with that

Or would it be better for me to simply design the assets and find someone to program?
33 posts omitted

/csg/ Chink Shit General

No.68506196 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

No tripfags and no gaycord edition.

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki

>Chink Shit Infographic
333 posts and 61 images omitted

No.80445733 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This kills the CRTfag.
>use FRAT tech to go from 60Hz to 240Hz
>use any decent enough gaming monitor that could do proper low motion blur at high frequency
>essentially still running the game at 60FPS so your GPU isn't getting raped
>low frametimes, low input lag and crt-levels of motion blur due to low GPU usage and high refresh rate
It's over CRTfags, deal with it.
>inb4 "muh blacks" "muh brightness"
It's only a matter of time until miniLED tech hits the market in the mid range/lower high end. Also, OLED panels are good enough nowadays that there are plenty of technologies to prevent burn-in. And they'll only get more popular within the next years for gaming. If 120Hz+ OLED gaming monitors don't take off in the next couple years, miniLED will.
19 posts and 4 images omitted

No.73879698 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What should I do with 430GB of compressed 4chan threads covering the period 2007 - 2019?
137 posts and 10 images omitted

No.71591372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anybody do freelancing work? What types of boards do you find work through and what sorts of rates do you charge? I've got 5 years professional development experience in android, front + back end web dev and python work, plus a bunch of other shit I could probably do.
Thoughts on freelancing in general?


No.65286913 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
check it out. install telegram, click link and send your bot at least .1 LTC ideally at least 1 LTC to start earning. 99 day ROI. thats really good for most ROI. 1.4% daily. trying to help everyone get lamborghinis when litecoin goes to the moon. ive attached a screenshot of my bots progress so far just to let people know im not pulling anyones leg legit trying to help the cryptocurrency investing process.
5 posts and 1 image omitted

Brave rewards cut by 90%

No.81303493 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>It appears as though the ads rewards on the browser have been cut from .01 BAT to .001 BAT/ad, if this is not an error, it makes the browser no longer worth using for the ad revenue and frankly, that's a huge selling point of the large-scale adoption of BAT. Currently, if you're just starting out with no BAT, you need 25 BAT to create an upload acct and withdraw earnings, that's 25,000 ads, that's absurd.

>b-but you get m-money by b-browsing the internet!
>b-be b-based b-be b-brave!

Bravetards eternally BTFO!
66 posts and 8 images omitted

/cyb/ + /sec/ general: Cybersecurity & Cyberpunk

!lAqIQh4oLI No.76196060 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous threads: [ ]
Last Thread: >>76116649

These always archive while I'm asleep edition ;)
What is cyberpunk?: [ ]
Cyberpunk directory (Communities/IRC and other resources): [ ]
Cyberpunk media (Recommended cyberpunk fiction): [ ]
The cyberdeck: [ ]
"Shit just got real": [ ]
Cybersecurity basics and armory: [ ]
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): [!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw ]
/sec/ PDFs: [!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA ]
Learning/News/CTFs: [ ]
thegrugq OPSEC: [ ]
#! sec guide [ ]
EFF anti-surveillance [ ]
Thread Wiki is up:
EXPERIMENTAL: Nextcloud Anonymous Directory: (password: anonymous, full r/w privileges)
Thread topic: For the more seasoned hackers, what keeps you in the scene? Are you as interested in security as you were when you started?
For the new, why are you interested in security?
317 posts and 37 images omitted

No.81860234 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Blockchain bros, we got too cocky ...
255 posts and 26 images omitted

No.65534215 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>2011 + 7
>not using your smartphone to pay for everything
get with the time, luddites, nobody wants to watch you fumble around with coins and cash or wait 20+ seconds for your chip card transaction to go through
129 posts and 12 images omitted