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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 201

Re: Wolfgang on /g/'s attitude towards him

No.81483576 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>/g/ never liked me in the first place, the most positive comment I've seen in the threads about me is "I'd suck his toes" lol
Not true, Wolfgang. I always liked you.
/g/ is not one person. I also believe most of it was just banter and not genuine hate.
32 posts and 5 images omitted

No.60164650 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Seeing as all CPUs 2008+ are compromised. What's the beat tinfoil hat build possible?
104 posts and 8 images omitted

/pcbg/ PC Building General

No.78070536 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Assemble a part list
>How to non-technically assemble a PC [Embed] [Embed]

Want help?
>List your USES (e.g., gaming, editing, VM work)
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>For monitors, include purpose and GPU pairing if gaming

>Athlon 3000G / R3 3200G - HTPC, web browsing
>R9 3900X / 3950X - Professional tasks
>R5 2600 (or R5 3600) - 60Hz
>R5 3600 - 144Hz with midrange GPU wrt res (e.g., 1660 Super @ 1080p)
>i5 10600K - 144Hz or greater with OP GPU wrt res (e.g., 2070 Super @ 1080p)
Upgrade advice: if you already have a 3rd gen R5 or 8th/9th gen i7 or better, you're fine

>AM4 mobos -

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is standard
>RAM speeds of 3200CL16 or more recommended
>AMD B, X, Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Consider power consumption, driver quality, and game codes
>USED RX570/RX580 - budget 1080p
>GTX1650 Super - budget 1080p; meh value
>GTX1660 Super - budget 1080p 144Hz; meh value
>RX5600XT 14Gb/s VRAM - 1080p 144Hz; meh value, beware drivers
>RTX3070 - 1440p 144Hz
>RTX3080 - 2160p; beware TDP

Case and cooling
>Many AIOs do not outperform large air coolers
>Mesh fronts typically improve airflow and temperature
>Static pressure fans recommended for poorly ventilated cases

>A 250GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor; NVMe if close in price to SATA
>Avoid DRAM-less SSDs

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's high refresh with adaptive sync

Previous: >>78058340
332 posts and 38 images omitted

Cat got stuck at the eaves

No.81470001 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A cat walked on the roof an then somehow found its way on an opening at the eaves

It got stuck there facing head down
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No.79367916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will it ever be obsolete for just browsing the web or using Word?

/g/ Minetest server?

No.72528790 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I heard /g/ used to have a minetest server. Did it exist? If yes, does anyone have the files(Lua files for the mods)?
2 posts omitted

Marianas web.

No.58218622 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your only chance to access Marianas web. Could this be real?

9 posts and 1 image omitted

Whats your worst cybercrime committed?

No.81251540 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
205 posts and 32 images omitted

Why are macbooks so popular among university students?

No.81266707 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just bought an old Toshiba Satellite L640 for 40 bucks and installed Linux Mint on it. Works like a charm. Why bother using a mac?
142 posts and 20 images omitted

/cumg/ - Cooming Utilities & More General

No.81220064 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>Endchan Board (because the jannies here hate us)

>What is /cumg/
In this thread we discuss technology and software for cooming, data-hoarding, scripts, and more.

>Hydrus Network
You are using Hydrus, aren't you anon?
You do contribute tags to Hydrus PTR right anon?

>LoliSnatcher Droid

Old thread: >>81199215
329 posts and 58 images omitted