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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 223

No.81884838 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Friendly reminder, low screen brightness and beautiful light themes is strictly superior to high screen brightness and ugly dark themes.

Low brightness chad
>no eye strain
>no need for yellow piss coloured filter shit
>actually aesthetic light themes (the way terry intended)
>no backlight bloom or glowing
>saves power

High brightness virgin
>eye strain
>has to use ugly themes to even look at the screen
>has to use yellow filters to use things that can't be dark themed
>backlight glow and bloom all over the place
>uses more power
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No.61749889 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>At least eight Google employees tweeted Friday about a document that was circulated within the company calling for replacing Google's diversity initiatives with policies that encourage "ideological diversity" instead.

>The document's author also wrote that employees with conservative political beliefs are discriminated against at Google and lamented about how "leftist" ideology is harmful. They argue that the company should have a more "open" culture where their viewpoint would be welcomed. The document said that improving racial and gender diversity is less important than making sure conservatives feel comfortable expressing themselves at work.

So while Firefox insists on shoving their left-wing ideologies in your face every time you open a new tab, Google is moving away from forced liberalism. An interesting development in the technological sector, wouldn't you agree, /g/?
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No.62223317 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT we pretend we're on Hacker News

>Things I learned from doing this trivial bullshit for 30 days
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No.81859580 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
iToddlers btfo
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/pcbg/ - PC Building General

No.72381500 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ATTENTION: Graphics card prices are excessive by historical standards; therefore, consumers should delay or completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases. The gouging has two root causes: lack of market competition and shortage/"new normal" pricing during the mining hayday.

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on titles above parts lists to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600 - Good gaming CPU with great value
>R5 3600 - Great gaming CPU
>R7 3700X - Overkill gaming CPU
>R7 2700 - Budget video editing
>R9 3900X - Professional tasks

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>AAA or multiplatform games: Radeon card appropriate for your montior
>PC centric or VR games: Nvidia card appropriate for your display
>Used RX 570s can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
1080p 16:9
>RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's high refresh with adaptive sync
>A 250GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless

Previous: >>72376855
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No.81775902 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think I am a boomer.
I don't get the new /g popular things like tiktok, most of new youtube videos etc.
I feel lost in space which I considered my own before normies took it.
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No.81244208 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yandex is hands gripped the best porn/lewd search engine ever made.
How did they do it bros?
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Solar Energy

No.81155326 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Solar panel thread?
Solar panel thread

Today in solar:
-Jack Daniels signs a contract to build solar in Tennessee
- Tesla raising prices on solar tile, on contracts older than 12 months
- heated Indiana debate over solar and wind
- Hawaii to cut Solar tax credits in half
- Walmart California to build Solar in their parking lots
- demand for Solar rises while solar continues to become more affordable. Soft costs of solar go down as more lawmakers find solutions to work together
- Singapore ocean solar
- Texas to expand their solar by as much as 600 acres (will double check on this source to verify)
- Tesla to expand Lithium battery production in North Carolina

You want solar, here is why:

University of California Leak

No.81095272 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone got the University of California leak's magnet link? Want to see if I was included, and the download via Tor won't complete.
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SEO Help

No.65940301 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Need SEO help at my website