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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 228

No.81332370 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some good resources to learn Go?
9 posts omitted

No.65082548 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
fucking indians are absolute cockroach of online world.
(1) always try to scam people in online pretending IRS or crypto company

(2) they basically spread basic of basic shittest wrong technical advice over and over again,
they didn't even write or record it by themselves even. they're just copying and pasting the methods with their cracked indian-english accents. and don't even know how it's working.
only to get profit assigning ads fee on their stupid youtube video and other blogpost attaching google ad sense.
or they induce you to download through some random unofficial link(which contains their ransomware)
(3) the ones who show their dick openly and randomly in Omegle or Chatroullette are fucking indians by 99% of possibility.

what the fuck is the matter with these insects for fucks sake.
(1) online scammer - indian
(2) false tech supporter - indian
(3) online dick showing romance guy - fucking indian, AGAIN.
71 posts and 8 images omitted

No.80720057 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>The best functional language
give it to me
90 posts and 7 images omitted

/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

No.75520943 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Read the sticky:

>GNU/Linux questions?

>BSD questions?

>Windows questions?

>PC building?

>Programming questions?

>Good, cheap, laptops?

>Cheap electronics?

>Buying headphones?

>How to activate any version of Windows?
>Where can I get Win 7 or LTSC?
335 posts and 47 images omitted

/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general

No.53985854 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Staying Classy Edition

>Where to Buy:
>Buyers template for new blud:
311 posts and 95 images omitted

No.81299848 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Moot leaves google after 5 years
122 posts and 23 images omitted

/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread

No.80593641 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about Windows and share their experiences.
Tell us about tools, utilities, configs, tips & tricks that enhance your life with Windows (ReactOS users are also welcome).

Remember: notice the friendly - please be civil when possible.

>Choosing, downloading, installing, activating windows/office, useful resources & recommended software infograph (/fwt/ paste)

>Installing Windows, for retards

>Which version should I get?
>Where can I get the ISOs?
>What the fuck is an .svf file?
>What does LTSC 2019 have?
>How do I verify the ISOs aren't fake/infected?
>How do I activate Windows?
>How do I change to a different edition post-install?
>How do I disable backported telemetry in 8.1/7?
>What software do you recommend/should I install?
See paste. (your other unmentioned question is probably here, too)

>How do I debloat/debotnet Windows 10 1803-2004?
Offline (pre-installation): Optimize-Offline
Online (live installation): / / W10Privacy / privatezilla
Don't mix offline & online tools with each other.

>Do I really need to debloat it?
If you had to ask, then no.

>Can you get the Ryzen scheduler on LTSC 2019?
No. Wait for LTSC 2022, or use SAC (semi-annual channel) editions.

>Can I upgrade to LTSC 2019?
Only from a previous LTSC build w/o doing the upgradematrix hack in paste.

>Is Windows 10 2004/20H2 OK?
Only Education & Enterprise.

>I already run Windows 7, but don't want to clean install?
The non-LTSC installers can upgrade.

>Are homebrew ISOs safe to use (Gen2/Ameliorated)?
Depending on trust&rep, almost never. Most of the time these are unverifiable and unreproducible.

/fwt/ spammer aka staxshill filter (4chanX): (embed)

previous thread: >>80551894
258 posts and 45 images omitted

/csg/ - chinkshit general

No.74466498 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We love China edition

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on rizon

>Aliexpress price tracker, don't get (((chinked)))!
>(Do not install the browser extensions, they're botnet.)

>Old thread

>>74433507 Anon acquires chink shit for his drug dealing enterprise
>>74433555 ATF has been notified of Anon's illegal firearm modification
>>74433961 Gay anon asks for fashion tips
>>74434345 Anon acquires various chink shit
>>74434530 Snowman not chink shit enough for Anon
>>74435697 Anon too poor for Porta Pros
>>74436504 Anon considers LRGBT CPU cooler
>>74440007 Dear please send social security number
>>74440405 Anon starves entire chink family to death for 2 cent thermometers
>>74440472 Anon cooks with chink shit
>>74441895 Anon plays fighting games
>>74442888 Reminder to stay warm this winter with chink shit pyjamas
>>74443810 Anon spends 120 NZD on a 4c/8t Xeon
>>74443888 FBI agent enquires into gay anon's IED
>>74444366 Anon does not negotiate with terrorists or chink shit sellers
>>74444640 Anon notices (((5 star reviews)))
>>74445200 Anon's dream career of drawing furry commissions delayed by shipping
>>74445481 Anon insists his hands are not small and that it does not correlate with other parts of the body
>>74445769 Slav sage offers his chink shit wisdom
>>74445774 Anon wants to end his consumerism through more consumption
>>74446250 Anon researches gay screwdrivers
315 posts and 78 images omitted

No.73602713 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>net neutrality repealed years ago
>literally nothing bad happened

I guess it was a big nothing burger after all.
327 posts and 38 images omitted

Printers are a scam

No.73358513 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /g/

So I get a free HP deskjet 1510 off a friend of mine and figure it'll be pretty easy to get working

Just need to replace the black ink and get a new power cord

Fifty bucks later I'm told by the stupid thing's software that it a) doesn't recognise my black cartridge and b) the colour cartridge (which is full) is out of date and can't be used either.

So my question: Why do people keep buying these things? And secondly, what is the most value-for-money way to print shit at home which will avoid this kind of skullduggery happening to me in future?
94 posts and 14 images omitted