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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 231

No.80929552 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>yes '' | yay
>go to bed
>wake up
>turn on my computer
>sddm is all broken
I had to go scourge fucking reddit to find out I need to downgrade mesa. GNU/Linux just doesn't work.
37 posts and 2 images omitted

/emg/ - Friendly emacs/lisp general

No.80910610 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Smol image edition

>General Emacs resources (GNU Emacs Manual) (Emacs Wiki) (Big List of Packages)

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial) (GNU Emacs Tour) ((Youtube) General Introduction) ((Youtube) Org Mode) ((Youtube) Advanced Configuration)

>(Self) Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h f (Functions)
C-h v (Variables)
C-h i (Assorted Manuals)

>Premade Configs
=Make your own= (Doom Emacs) (Spacemacs (heavy)) (Witchmacs (Basic config with sane defaults)) (Prelude (Basic starter kit))
>Managing Multiple Configs (Profile switcher)

>Reduce Startup Time
use-package defer (Native Compilation, experimental)

>Changing Default Keybinds
>Programming resources for Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp, Scheme and Clojure:

If there seems to be a bug (or complicated issue), anons may ask you to compose an MWE (minimum working example).
To create an MWE, try the following:
1) start emacs with "emacs -q". This disables your init.
2) try to reproduce your issue with as few settings changed and packages (manually) loaded as possible.
These steps ensure that other anons can replicate your problem if it's something more involved. Sometimes you even find the cause yourself this way, too!

Previous thread: >>80818715
310 posts and 21 images omitted

No.80841678 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>paints his nails
>heh nothing personnel kid
did he go full tranny mode or what?
94 posts and 16 images omitted

2021 Windows 10 Flicker Thread

No.79488360 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Happy New Year. Do you ever say to yourself.. Gee whiz.. why are the icons on the taskbar always flickering in windows 10????

wait..... i know the answer..
windows performs a redraw of the icons when a SHChangeNotify call is made to shell32, specifically either SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED or SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE, as outlined here:

This looks like shit and its amazing this issue persists. Now take a look at microsoft 'support' forums. Ouch.. here's a complaint about the issue from 2009 (LOL, 10 years ago) 'Taskbar Flickering constantly. How do I make it stop?'. A more recent one has a Top answer from windows Expert 'A. User' suggesting to run 'sfc /scannow' to solve the problem!

no one is behind the wheel of the ship at the windows division of microsoft, or even microsoft in general. really sad stuff
45 posts and 10 images omitted

No.80882953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 posts omitted

No.80855403 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yes, the GPL is revocable

RMS: If FSF is giving you trouble, recover the (C) using the 30 year statutory method and make a new entity.
2 posts omitted

Void Linux

No.80872101 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this shit worth a try?
Does anyone use it?
44 posts and 5 images omitted

No.80811370 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why does /g/ have to be such an embarrassment?
313 posts and 58 images omitted

RMS Support Letter.

No.80804135 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
354 posts and 64 images omitted

No.80819491 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>A "Hot Tip" to Restore the Minimalist Web!

>Luke Smith
>115K subscribers
>This is just a little tool I use to find and browse unbloated and often personal webpages that don't get the attention of big search engines that want baseddevvery. It's, a search engine where anyone can submit a webpage, but the only requirement is that it only indexes minimalist and old-school websites! Check it out.

>You can also activate it through SearX, which I've done videos on as well.

>My website:
>Please donate:
>Get all my videos off YouTube:

>Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
>Default profile photo
>Add a public comment...
>18 hours ago
>"Boomer reminisces over the good old days as the US goes to war with China"
>Du Silva
>17 hours ago
>A new word has been born "BASEDDEVERY"
>Tremor Wolfgang
>18 hours ago
>Lukes thumbnails are always a piece of art.
Il>knur Mustafa
>17 hours ago
>You should've clicked "surprise me". Endless fun, you never know what you're gonna get!
1>8 hours ago
lu>ke doesnt tell you but remeber to like the videos so normies will get web minimalism videos in their feed.
>-Post made by peer tube gang
Philip Koz>man Rezk
16 h>ours ago
Extra> resource: use webrings, they still exist and the only websites that use them are old-internet-ish minimalist gems.
Pa>blo Sánchez
17 hours ago (e>dited)
O>k, I may be a bad internet minimalist here, I love light and simple sites, but they don't really need to be that ugly! >>XD Come on, people, you can make your site readable with just a few lines of CSS!
T>>he Good Student
>18 hours ago
>Found some nice anime websites through it.
>Gato de las Sombras
17> hours ago
It's> ironic that in the era of minimalism, websites are getting more and more complex.
17> hours ago
10 posts and 5 images omitted