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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 234

/cumg/ - Coom Utilities & More General

No.80170553 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
screw YOU janitors
you will not stop us from cooming

>Last thread

185 posts and 48 images omitted

>the endgame wm

No.80213876 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>has a built-in hotkey manager
>has a x11 and plebland version
>configuration is braindead easy
351 posts and 23 images omitted

Cryptography BTFO!!!!!!!!!!! A Swiss Company Says It Found Weakness That Imperils Encryption

No.80187615 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>Now, a Swiss technology company says it has made a breakthrough by using quantum computers to uncover vulnerabilities in commonly used encryption. The company believes it’s found a security weakness that could jeopardize the confidentiality of the world’s internet data, banking transactions and emails.

16 posts and 4 images omitted

/pmp/ + /iemg/ Portable Media Players + In Ear Monitors General

No.80107752 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
new purchase edition

This thread is for the discussion of portable media players and in-ear monitors.

•/iemg/ Recommends Pastebin:
•IEM reviewers and other sources Pastebin:

•Why use a PMP instead of a phone?
>better DAC/AMP
>more output power so it can drive more high-end headphones
>smaller sizes than phones for activities like exercise
>physical buttons
>headphone jacks
>some people can't use smartphone at work/use dumbphones

/iemg/ Hall of Fame:
• [insert meme here]
• Tin Audio T2/T4
• BLON BL03/Revonext QT2s
• Etymotic ER2SE/ER2XR
• MoonDrop Starfield/Blessing2/Dusk/S8
• The one you enjoy using

/pmp/ Hall of Fame:
• [insert more memes here]
• Hiby R3 Pro / Pro Saber
• Sony wm1a
• Sansa Clip / Sansa Clip Fuze / Sansa Clip+
• Cayin N6ii
Extensive Guide:

Please share your /iems/ and /pmps/ together for the next OP!

How to request advice:
>Source (phone or PMPs)
>Kind (in-ears or earbuds)
>Sound Signature (or genres you like, important!)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them (important!)

Previous >>80077638
308 posts and 40 images omitted


No.80111117 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>source-based, yet no reproducible builds
>overlays are just a convenient excuse for the shitty official repos that many users fall for
>users and developers alike in complete denial over the amount of time it takes to compile software
>"customizable" distribution, yet it's getting less and less choice and devs discourage anything but orthodox configs all the time
>circlejerking maintainers who coc competent ones into obvlivion
>use flags and all that other shit ultimately makes no perceivable difference on a desktop
>most bloated distribution of all: needs build-time dependencies by default and keeps all the sources (removing build dependencies is not practical since they are needed for updates anyway)
>hundreds of unsolved bugs that are ignored at best and brushed off as unimportant at worst
>untested, shit breaks even on the stable branch and isn't fixed for months. its "stability" is a complete myth
>openrc sucks. it being the default is basically just a marketing point since it works better with systemd anyway, a lot less people would give a shit about gentoo if it weren't for this
>boasts about supporting many architectures, yet only x86 and amd64 have a non-shit selection of packages
>"unstable" branch is slow as shit, far from being "bleeding edge". even debian sid is better in this regard
>literally won't merge valid prs to fix bugs and deficiencies in the repos even after having been properly audited and approved
>original author doesn't even use it on desktops, he's a macfag

Is Gentoo just an elaborate prank?
193 posts and 22 images omitted

Need a good keyboard for programming

No.79974704 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
pic related is shit
66 posts and 15 images omitted

!!J8viH74GU2t No.23287639 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
25 posts and 9 images omitted

/aig/ - Alternative ISA General

No.79999931 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
330 posts and 61 images omitted

/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

No.79992281 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
old thread

What are you working on, /g/?
366 posts and 37 images omitted

No.79996031 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Many developers.
>Has been rewritten several times. Few new features.
>10 weapons, they don't do any noticeable damage however.
>Literally castrated - engine developer is now "a woman"
>Readable font
>Pro-Gay, Accepts and promotes "Transgenderism", Pro-feminist.
>Wishes to revoke license of "Transphobic" developers, but thinks this is impossible.
>No racial awareness. Anti-racist.
>Motto: we strive for excellence

ChaosEsque Anthology:
>One developer
>Never rewritten. Many new features. Accepts mortality.
>217 Weapons
>Forked 10 years ago, before all of that faggot shit.
>TTT Font Displays the Cross of Jerusalem at every Opportunity TTT
>Understands the beauty of young girls.
>Understands US Copyright Law and that Free-Non-exclusive licenses are Revocable; Ignores it.
>Racial Awareness: Whites are woman worshiping faggots and Heretics.
>Motto: Only God is Perfect
3 posts omitted