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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 241

/teg/ - Text Editor General

No.77819027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Come up with a better general edition.

Discuss text editors, configuring text editors, text editor extensions/plugins/packages, developing text editors, making text editor extensions, or anything related to text editors.

vimtutor (Tutorial) (Vim Wiki) (Cheatsheet)
:help is your friend (Vimscript tutorial)

C-h C-h
C-h t (Tutorial) (GNU Emacs Manual) (Emacs Wiki) (Dave's General Introduction)
C-h f (Functions)
C-h v (Variables) (Friendly Introduction to Emacs Lisp) (GNU Elisp Manual)

>Visual Studio Code
>[JetBrains IDEs]
1 post omitted

No.78634021 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Who's fucking excited?
63 posts and 9 images omitted

/wxp/ - Friendly Windows XP/2003 Leak Thread

No.78540416 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread: >>78500072
Guide and FAQ:
Hidden git: https://wopen3qf3trpihet.onion
List of previous threads:
Some info:
313 posts and 22 images omitted

/wxp/ - Friendly Windows XP/2003 Leak Thread

No.78588821 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread: >>78540416
Guide and FAQ:
Hidden git: wopen3qf3trpihet.onion
List of previous threads:
Some info:
315 posts and 35 images omitted

Suicidal thoughts in tech

No.73541970 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do you deal with them, bros?
Does it affect your work?
Is it widespread in your place of work and in society in general?
What you do to keep yourself sane and not fuck up your projects?

inb4: help from actual doctors, not an option in my country, since we have a law of a mandatory full medical disclosure, if request is made by a company you are formally applying to and/or state organizations. And records of a clinical depression is listed as a viable reason to refuse application.
60 posts and 6 images omitted

Selling Casino Bonuses

No.75906574 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is selling your online casino bonuses a scam or can you actually make money on it? There are people who request buying your online (new player) casino bonuses to up their chances by gambling on your account. Is this legit do you guys think or a scam?

No.78594945 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
129 posts and 37 images omitted

No.78549801 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could /g/ come up with a better electoral system?

gpg signed votes perhaps? blockchain?
45 posts and 3 images omitted

No.47302794 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are you using the worst init system in your GNU/Linux, /g/?
153 posts and 12 images omitted

No.78518401 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>brotip: you cannot
28 posts and 5 images omitted