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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 277

Big companies owned by Jews

No.28221145 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /gangstas

How does it feel to know that the tech. industries is run by Jews?

Note: This is only a small percentage. I didn't even include Steve Ballmer or the Paypal mafia
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Pale Moon v26 released

No.52632412 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>>Pale Moon is now building on the new Goanna engine instead of Gecko. Although close relatives in terms of web technology, they are not the same under the hood and any reports of bugs with the layout/rendering engine should be as detailed as possible to allow us to pinpoint the cause of the bugs and fix them
>>You will need to update your language packs
>>The layout parser/renderer has received many updates with this change over to Goanna, improving web compatibility and standards compliance in many areas.
>>The browser user interface has received updates, making it more compatible with Windows 10 in many respects and more in line with the general styles of the operating system version it is run on in terms of the shapes of controls and color setting.
>>Updated graphics/media support: Pale Moon now supports the WebP image format, properly scales EXIF rotated JPEGs, has updated support for different WebGL texture formats, improved scaling of vector images, updated libpng, libjpeg-turbo, libvpx, and misc other upstream libraries/modules, and more!
>>The library now has a scope bar (pops up when searching) with the option to select what you want to search in (either bookmarks or history) and the option to save your searches.
>>Many more the release notes
>>Massive amounts of security updates since November 2015 to present day

Where were you when the best browser got better?
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No.52632599 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is animu shit so popular among /g/tards, especially in desktop threads?
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No.32254483 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Could you explain why or why not GDDR5 is such a fucking great thing used in a PS4? Because /v/ is going crazy about that shit every goddamn thread and no one seems to know anything. Is it really supposed to be so much better than DDR3?
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Unsecured ip cams

No.52601135 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Unsecured ip cam thread
Stalker edition.

old thread: >>52568611

uns (various resources to find cams)

(general cams)
(search engine for things connected to the internet)

also these:
160 posts and 11 images omitted

No.30736807 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>ITT We ask all our stupid questions.
>also post pictures to be considered as new stupid questions thread picture.
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Possible Huawei Nexus 2015 leaked pics.

No.49874987 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What do you anons think?
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Vape Thread

No.39376878 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, /g/entlemen.

I decided to start getting into vaping and replacing cigarettes, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be getting the Innokin VV from here:

I have a few goals I want to accomplish from this thread before I purchase the stuff though and a few questions.

To start off, my goal is to have a 1 year supply of everything hardware related I'll need. Apparently I'll have to replace the coils every 8-25 days so I'd like to know roughly how many coils I'd need to last me a year, along with which coils I'd need and where to buy them for the best price.

Money isn't really an issue because I've decided to invest in this rather than buy cartons of cigarettes. What other stuff will I need to replace and what else should I buy to go with this?

I plan on buying juice as I go, because I plan on having fun with the flavors and such.

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How fucked am I?

No.52569385 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I literally logged off for 10 minutes and shit like this happens. The map showed the location they tried to log in from as hong kong. I've had that account for 5 years without any of this bullshit happening.
164 posts and 18 images omitted

Spam Explorer

No.52548151 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Get out your virtual machines, it's time for a game of Spam Explorer.
What you do is look for interesting spam and see what it leads to.
Bonus fun if you click Remove Safety Filter in an email to see the email in its original form.

Here is a throw away email address that people use for spam. There are plenty of other ones too.
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