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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 278

No.52532068 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
XenServer or Proxmox?
14 posts and 1 image omitted

No.52520447 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Almost 10 years with this baby, /g/.
It's the only part of my setup I have never upgraded, changed or replaced.
What can I do to show her I love her?

/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

No.52499172 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This thread was created to prevent anons from spamming new threads, for technology questions they have.
If you are that person, post your simple/small/stupid questions here

Don't bump. This is a slow board, and will continue to be. Wait for an answer or google it.

If you see other anons posting questions outside this thread, ignore or redirect them here
Use >>>/g/sqt as a link to find the sqt thread
340 posts and 52 images omitted

Anyone enjoy scam-baiting?

No.50901487 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Got an email from someone which seems pretty odd, wanting me to link to "Scanned documents" Link is here:

Emailed "Do you have a virus?" and he replied: "It is quite a good read and definitely the most insightful I have read on. It's something that you will be very interested in doing. So, go ahead to log in to view this."

So if anyone is really bored and wants to have fun with this knob, that would be awesome.

Network Design

No.51409659 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Johnston-Donahue University is a leader in online engineering degree programs. Fully accredited,
and with a faculty of professors who are top in their field, Johnston-Donahue University provides degrees
that are looked upon highly by employers nationwide. A key feature that sets Johnston-Donahue
University apart from other universities offering online degrees is their network of teaching centers across
the nation. These teaching centers are fully equipped engineering laboratories that provide the students
with the interactive teaching environment, and practical experience, needed to become a successful
engineer. All lectures are conducted online using a proprietary streaming service that incorporates: audio,
video, screen casting, testing, and instant chat functionality.
Currently, Johnston-Donahue University lacks a well-managed network, and much of their
network is composed of isolated and disparate sub-networks. The network infrastructures of each facility
were built, and maintained, by independent contractors within their regions. The only requirement was
that each facility has a high-speed Internet connection. This, however, has started to cause problems for
the university.
Due to an increase in enrollment, the university has renovated several of the teaching centers to
include state-of-the-art computer labs in order to accommodate students who have limited access to
technology resources. Without a managed network, these computer labs have a high probability of
becoming vulnerable due to misconfigured software, uneven software distribution, missing software
patches, or rogue devices being able to get elevated access.
In order to address these concerns, and to accommodate the new computer labs, JohnstonDonahue
University has decided it would be in their best interest to redesign their technology
infrastructure, and to implement industry standard network management and configuration management
systems to better govern their assets.
1 post omitted

No.52385051 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>want to order pizza online
>order website requires nonfree javascript
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve

No.52346255 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A place to collect every thread with smartphone questions

Ask other anons for advices and experiences with smartphones
Previous thread
242 posts and 21 images omitted

No.52342312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: We post tech truths.

Windows is proprietary malware.
113 posts and 21 images omitted

No.38366847 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is this shit /g/?

>Shadow is able to compress a 7 gigabyte movie into a mere kilobyte.
>[Stealth Wireless]allows for a speed of over 10^55000 bits per second
>the first unbreakable encryption algorithm.
>Spectrocable allows for a speed of over 10^54000 bits per second. This is, by a factor of several billion, the fastest technology on the market.

It seemed like an obvious troll but the owner (a 14 year old) had a presentation at Techweek LA, and seems very serious about it.
307 posts and 35 images omitted