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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 292

No.50923600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>isn't blocking ads
>"isn't an adblocker"

thank you freetards. last time i listen to you.
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Resetting an imac?

No.50877339 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just found an imac on the street that had obviously been thrown out. The outer part of the screen is shattered, but other than that it still works. There of course a username and password I need to type in, so I want to reset it completely and wipe the drive. I have never dealt with macs before though, so I've got no idea where to go from here. I would prefer to dualboot windows and mac OS with bootcamp.
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No.40154045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey you selfclaiming haxors. Anyone here ever reached the "white room" or some other interesting stuff in the deep web? Also just to make it clear, because you may lack a little on intelligence, that I don't mean TOR or TOR Network or Onion Network as you prefer to call it. I actually mean the real deep web.

Pic related. Someone got more info on that?
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No.25557251 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've always seen this stupid picture floating around 4chan (Which I know it doesn't work of course) but how do people know if you are samefagging on 4chan? I always thought that people who yelled samefag where just talking out of there ass but if there actually a way?
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No.50854295 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are there any large differences in quality of some technologies between the USA and Europe?
226 posts and 27 images omitted

No.50878860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

36 posts and 6 images omitted

Let's a go

No.50877205 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
164 posts and 56 images omitted

No.50849148 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I lost my folder of smug/cute anime girls reaction images. Help me fill it up so I can start posting on /g/ again.
2 posts and 1 image omitted

/g/ /r9k/ winter ball

No.50848712 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup g, saw your post on r9k.
Maybe I'll go with you to the ball.
Post your board's anon of equal or superior qt-ness and we'll see if we're aesthetically compatible

No.50820786 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I saw no threads worth posting this in, so I thought I'd just post this here.

I've disliked downloading torrents for a while now, mainly because the feds watch them, and my shitty Canadian internet makes uploading near impossible.

I switched over to XDCC for anime(>get the fuck out) and was using Kareraisu's autoget feature for a while now. It's been pretty smooth sailing, but I wanted something more. XDCC is worse than torrents because you're leeching and the bots come and go, and while that might be far away I did not want to have to return to torrents.

I had checked it out and there seemed to be no client side script for any IRC client that could automate XDCC requests. One anon claimed to have one but refused to publish it telling some other anon to 'do it himself', and so taking those words to heart I have gone and done just that.

And so /g/ I present to you the XDCC_autoget script for IRSSI. You install it, add some bots that have the shit you want, add your pedophile cartoons, and watch it work its magic.

It's more free than GNU GPL v2, more automatic than the Kalashnikov, and more kawaii than your fat ass

It was many hours of work, and I hope you enjoy it

>hurr shilling your own software
It's free dipshit and I have nothing of value to offer. Also this will be the only time I ever post this software on this board