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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 301


!gVKosanRio No.39394381 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Still buying Raspberry Pis and Beagleboards
>Not buying a $20 Intel Atom Chinese ThinClient with 1000Mbit Ethernet, Internal SATA, IDE, Mini PCI Express, etc.
Seriously /g/?
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!Y.ZbtrePjM No.49725949 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Thread #023: Where dis thread gone Edition

Just gonna blatantly copy last time's OP and not change shit.

Good morning.
It's about time we consolidate graphics card discussion to reduce unnecessary thread clutter on /g/. Let's keep the shilling to a minimum.

Direct any and all questions regarding Graphics Cards and Display Adapters here first, including purchase and sale questions.
Use >>>/g/gcg/

For non-related questions use >>>/g/sqt as a link to find the sqt thread.

In the news:

>Steam to release a handheld x86 portable console: called the "Smach Zero" set for late 2016 release. Features an AMD SoC APU:

>Nvidias next mobile laptop GPU: the GTX 990M to have more performance than the 980:

Nothing terribly new as of yet. News is always shitty in Q3

And were all STILL waiting on that Fury Nano...

Most talked about cards:
AMD Radeon R9 390
AMD Radeon R9 Fury Nano

Good TDP and Form Factor will come to you, but only if you reply "Thank you Nano"

Performance Crown:
Nvidia Geforce GTX 980Ti

Buyer Guides:

Drivers: (Don't install dem Win10 drivers though, not that you have a choice!)
319 posts and 42 images omitted

Really had enough of NSA/Window's shit.

No.50070961 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Question: if I install Linux Mint, will it be just as capable as Windows 7 when it comes to streaming videos?

>Windows 7
>from 2009
>Mint 17.2
>from now
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/hpg/ Headphone General

No.50041984 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>How to request purchase advice:

>$200 and over headphones:

>Earphones /g/uide:

>/g/ wiki headphone FAQ:

>Audio related videos:

>Previous thread:
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No.50017875 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've got a nexus 7, and honestly I hate android on a tablet. I'm looking for a decently priced windows tablet, that doesn't run RT. If I can pick it up from Fry's or micro center that would be cool since both are nearby. I know they have cheap $70-$120 winTabs but I would prefer something that actually runs for $300~

Also ideas on what I should do with the nexus? I don't want it and they seem to sell for dirt cheap. Should I just give it away?

No.50010972 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to build a computer, except it's been about 6 years since I did this, and I am not familiar with newer parts

does this build look good for the price?

will a 500wat psu be enough for this graphics card and processor?

subtotal is 950 dollars
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No.49876068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why don't you dual boot?

>boot Windows for video games, photoshop and muh MS Office, etc
>boot linux for shitposting, internet browsing, downloading CP, etc

Y'all have SSDs anyway
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No.48837295 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If this costs over $1K … including computer, it's going to flop so hard.

>No one has that kind of scratch to throw around on gaming.

However if there's a local Oculus arcade, I'll be sure to spend a few bucks a week for the novel experience.

I don't know what their business strategy is. Maybe the XBOX is powerful enough for that kind of resolution and latency.
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No.49992934 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why do you faggots love the thinkpad so much?
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No.49936256 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello. "We" are looking for highly functioning autists, To find them, we have devised a test.

There is a message hidden in the proposed image (you don't say).

Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to never meet you, filthy sociopaths incapable of eye contact, but hopefully you'll have some fun all the way through.

Some facts:
- There are no decoys. If something is there, it's there for a meaning.
- Nothing overly complicated. Horses, not zebras.
- You don't have to unveil everything to get to the end (there are a lot of redundant hints)
- The vertical inception level is more than six, the horizontal inception level is two.
- It's kinda easy.
- There's no porn.
- No, there's no porn.
- There's no malware.
- The test is self-contained. It's possible to take advantage of online resources, but it's never necessary.
- The test is theoretically OS-agnostic; anyway, using anything but a GNU/Linux platform = asking for troubles.
- No law nor freedom has been harmed in the making of this test.
- The sha512 HMAC checksum with key "faggot" of this image is

202 posts and 30 images omitted