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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 301
Kosan !gVKosanRio
>2014 >Still buying Raspberry Pis and Beagleboards >Not buying a $20 Intel Atom Chinese ThinClient with 1000Mbit Ethernet, Internal SATA, IDE, Mini PCI Express, etc. Seriously /g/?
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>>39394624 But will it play Chines CS 1.6 knockoffs, that's the important question here.
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>>39394381 Where the fuck do i buy this shit you fucking shill?
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How much can you fuck around with it?
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I want one but they're sold out. WHAT NOW OP?
/gcg/ Graphics Cards General !Y.ZbtrePjM
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Thread #023: Where dis thread gone Edition
Just gonna blatantly copy last time's OP and not change shit.
Good morning.
It's about time we consolidate graphics card discussion to reduce unnecessary thread clutter on /g/. Let's keep the shilling to a minimum.
Direct any and all questions regarding Graphics Cards and Display Adapters here first, including purchase and sale questions.
>>>/g/gcg/ For non-related questions use
>>>/g/sqt as a link to find the sqt thread.
In the news:
>Steam to release a handheld x86 portable console: called the "Smach Zero" set for late 2016 release. Features an AMD SoC APU: >Nvidias next mobile laptop GPU: the GTX 990M to have more performance than the 980: Nothing terribly new as of yet. News is always shitty in Q3
And were all STILL waiting on that Fury Nano...
Most talked about cards:
AMD Radeon R9 390
AMD Radeon R9 Fury Nano
Good TDP and Form Factor will come to you, but only if you reply "Thank you Nano"
Performance Crown:
Nvidia Geforce GTX 980Ti
Buyer Guides: Drivers: (Don't install dem Win10 drivers though, not that you have a choice!)
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>>49750012 Well,i'd be suorised if that was true. We can hope though...
My neighbor wants to sell me his 780ti What's a good price to offer for it?
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>>49750550 450ish
They perform on par with 980s.
But since it's used....
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Holy fuck why are 390s 450$ in Canada. Kill me.
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>>49749869 Fuck off retard. DX12 isn't even used.
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Question: if I install Linux Mint, will it be just as capable as Windows 7 when it comes to streaming videos?>Windows 7 >from 2009 >Mint 17.2 >from now
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>>50070973 Yes and if you install windows you can be dammed sure there are NSA backdooors
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>>50070973 But can you trust your compiler?
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>>50071826 Dude that keyboard icon lmao
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>>50071609 Those slides are made for senior officials by high ranking operatives, you aren't supposed to have random graphic designers working on them
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>>50065229 >p sure schiit have distributors in europe lad If they exist, please tell me where. Because I'm pretty sure they don't.
>>50065264 Damn nigga! Thanks.
I think they're a bit more expensive though.
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>>50065278 Yeah the Australian distributor prices have a pretty big premium, moreso than the cost of shipping directly from Schiit USA
I've got a nexus 7, and honestly I hate android on a tablet. I'm looking for a decently priced windows tablet, that doesn't run RT. If I can pick it up from Fry's or micro center that would be cool since both are nearby. I know they have cheap $70-$120 winTabs but I would prefer something that actually runs for $300~ Also ideas on what I should do with the nexus? I don't want it and they seem to sell for dirt cheap. Should I just give it away?
>>50017875 Why don't you dumb frogosters fuck off back to reddit and stay there?
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Realize you're gonna do exactly the same shit on the windows tablet and stick with the nexus. Nexus 7 is great anyway, great battery life, it browses the internet, you can watch videos, cast your screen to a chromecast, run games and apps pretty smoothly. Don't expect a reasonable priced windows tablet to perform better than the nexus 7.
>>50018770 Frog posters come from /r9k/
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>>50020326 Which is /reddit9k/ yes
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I'm trying to build a computer, except it's been about 6 years since I did this, and I am not familiar with newer parts does this build look good for the price? will a 500wat psu be enough for this graphics card and processor? subtotal is 950 dollars
>>50014207 >afraid to ask for help on an anonymous image board >full tower case >air cooling >don't mention any kind of budget /g/ would tell you to fuck off because there's way too many full towers to simply pick one as the "best" without knowing what you need it for and how much you're willing to spend.
>>50014266 The fact that I didn't specify a budget means there isn't a budget, you dumb fuck.
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>>50014275 Then go to case labs or something and order a custom case to do exactly what you need.
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Yeah it's cool bruh
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>>50014275 If there is no budget then why did you pick the parts you did instead of the best possible parts? Obviously you have some sort of budget even if you haven't firmly set a number.
Why don't you dual boot?>boot Windows for video games, photoshop and muh MS Office, etc >boot linux for shitposting, internet browsing, downloading CP, etc Y'all have SSDs anyway
>>49882929 >pic related of whats happening Downloads just usually fail in firefox and the software updater hasn't moved since when I started it.
Can someone help a linux noob out?
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>>49876068 I dool boot win10 and Ubuntu 15.04, so i can play muh EA gaymen maschine AND actually do anything worthwhile, LibreOffice etc...
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>>49886567 Maybe you could try updating from the terminal. That hardly ever gets slow, it's always instant. Of course your internet speed won't be faster but the process might be.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
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>>49886567 wtf don't install flash
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>>49881721 Good job for having shit taste kek.
If this costs over $1K … including computer, it's going to flop so hard.>No one has that kind of scratch to throw around on gaming. However if there's a local Oculus arcade, I'll be sure to spend a few bucks a week for the novel experience. I don't know what their business strategy is. Maybe the XBOX is powerful enough for that kind of resolution and latency.
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>>48837295 >>No one has that kind of scratch to throw around on gaming. That's not true at all, you're just poor
>Oculus arcade After a couple hours they won't even bother cleaning the thing after each use, so enjoy your infection/acne outbreak after a hundred neckbeards used it on a hot summer day
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"Including the computer" This is aimed at people who already have pretty decent gaming rigs.
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>>48843115 Whoop de doo. Look at those things, they probably cost like $6 to manufacture.
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>>48837295 1k is not hard to get. I went from 0 to 1000 in about 1 month. People who think it's hard to get a set amount of funds, can't manage their money very well. They get impatient and waste their money before they can reach that sum of cash.
why do you faggots love the thinkpad so much?
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>>49992934 some of the last notebooks with a unique, tasteful in-house design instead of just copying the shittiest parts of apple like everything else
also featureful and niggers won't steal them because of the aforementioned design choices
>>49993172 >buying new in 2015 you might as well just send 50% of your paycheck to israel if you're going to be that much of a retarded goy
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>>49994442 no company is stupid enough to botnet their biggest money makers
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>>49994291 Bro what outfit are you in?
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>>49994291 my W520 couldn't play that game without catching on fire last time I tried it in like 2013, what's your secret?
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Hello. "We" are looking for highly functioning autists, To find them, we have devised a test. There is a message hidden in the proposed image (you don't say). Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to never meet you, filthy sociopaths incapable of eye contact, but hopefully you'll have some fun all the way through. Some facts: - There are no decoys. If something is there, it's there for a meaning. - Nothing overly complicated. Horses, not zebras. - You don't have to unveil everything to get to the end (there are a lot of redundant hints) - The vertical inception level is more than six, the horizontal inception level is two. - It's kinda easy. - There's no porn. - No, there's no porn. - There's no malware. - The test is self-contained. It's possible to take advantage of online resources, but it's never necessary. - The test is theoretically OS-agnostic; anyway, using anything but a GNU/Linux platform = asking for troubles. - No law nor freedom has been harmed in the making of this test. - The sha512 HMAC checksum with key "faggot" of this image is64b4950a11fda657100664829b4a5399896d150db5c60b2ac9cd03bd0f3e773087b436be975e79c0460d3a9fb3e40d260cecce0e93921fe48531f33e1a380a8b
Dont want to get this archieved
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>>49961210 may need to create a new thread with a collection of all the findings
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that full size resolution clouds.webm seems a bit too big
>>49957338 It's often the first selectable language in drop down menus, maybe a clue?
>>49955288 > >3 months ago I salute the autism.
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It has been archived, but I'll leave it here "blf droo mvvw sfnnrmtyriwh evib hllm" is an atbash cipher it translates in "you will need hummingbirds very soon" I was reading about atbash in the old cicada event, so I tried it and it worked