>>47254762> music playerChecks SD card each time you run it, just like good old 2004
> flashlight buttonlolno
> volume slidersyeah
> sd card supportDepends on the phone, sdhc up to 64 gigs for the most of ffos phones
> free gps offline capableOffline? Only if you save part of the map, otherwise no
> calculatoryes, quite a few good ones on the market too
> stopwatchyes, it's a fine one
> alarmOne of the reasons I gave up on ffos. Can't change alarm tune, alarm sometimes just doesn't run or runs for 2 seconds and shuts itself, alarm doesn't go off if your phone is muted. It's customizable but I have had to use my notebook as an fallback alarm because it's so shit
> skype or similar free voip for 800 numbers.hmm, no. Only webrtc based communication, I wrote an app on that, I didn't submit it to the market yet. it's token based one too so not too comfortable
> data usage controls/monitorYes, and a great ne to that too. Can limit data, reset itself whenever you want to, really well done part of the os. Even it's grids are well done.
> toggle rotation lockNo
> file explorer preferredShit file explorer from the market
> pdf capabilitiesclose to none. JS PDF reader shuts itself on 10 MB file. Crashes, crashes everywhere. Loads for the infinity time too.
> voice searchhaha.
> back home open programs buttonsyeah, you can do that if you really want to
>time, and dateKind of nice calenar app that synces well with google claendar and MS one