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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 332

No.38219318 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Job interview for a tech support position at a network level anti virus hardware company. Any advice on shit I should know? Saying ping everything seemed to get me into this second round of interviews.
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No.46680191 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Embarrassing tech stories from when you were younger

>be me
>be using Windows 7 on shitty Asus budget notebook held together by duct tape
>want to use Linux cus it looks cool
>download Ubuntu 12.04
>want to play Fallout 2 on Ubuntu through wine
>get torrent from piratebay
>it opens it in transmission
>I uninstall Transmission and use a browser based utorrent instead because I was afraid Transmission was botnet
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No.46529757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's a good text editor for Windows that functions similarly to Sumblime Text?

Keep in mind I'm kind of a programming nub and don't know much about how to install/set up/use software like Emacs, Vim, or anything similar. I like Sublime Text because it's simple, but I don't like it because it keeps asking for a license every time I save a document or open it, and I don't want to pay $70.
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No.46670323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are the newest phones $800 bucks? Are they really worth that much or is that what the marketers think the whites kids parents will pay for them? You can buy an Xbox for 250 bucks or build I nice computer for 800. Jesus.
12 posts omitted

Rate the mental health of Apple employees

No.44459050 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you think their personal relationships could be like /g/? Controlling, secretive, manipulative?

Is Apple's company culture rotten?
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No.46647237 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can you take the PCB from an NTSC SNES game and put it into a Super Famicom cartridge shell to play it on a Super Famicom?

No.46645421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Introducing The Beater Meter: Bringing Fapping to the 21st Century!

We're raising funds for our new smartwatch masturbation app! come check us out at

what are some of the features?

>statistics tracking and fap graphing. Correlate your strokes with your heart rate!
>social media integration
>call screening auto reply
>personalized goal setting
>achievements and leaderboards
>g spot finder

We also donate some of our revenue into our charity program, Beat it to Beat it!

Come check us out on Indiegogo!
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Captcha flibble

No.46641496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it just me, or are captchas being annoying for anyone else?

They stopped loading altogether in Chromium 40.0.2214.111 (and 25 on an older machine) less than an hour ago, http and https.

They only occasionally load in Firefox. I have to reload the page 2 or 3 times to get one, sometimes.

Turning off JS doesn't seem to work, the #postForm doesn't appear.

If you can't post at all because captcha is broked, you might try replying in ghost mode to this thread, at
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No.46625072 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So my posts are sent to

How can I tell the exact format of a post that needs to be sent?

I tried looking at the source for the first page, but the answer eluded me.

This is obviously the method that has to be used for sites or parts of sites with no clearly defined API.

I know that the information is collected on the page and then formatted before being posted to the URL, but I can't for the life of me get the hang of this.
46 posts and 2 images omitted

No.46612740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ccd0 4chanx ccd0 4chanx ccd0 4chanx ccd0 4chanx mayhem 4chanx

when you post a new thread on /b/ the cooldown timer counts down from 60 seconds and not 300 seconds

so you have to open up a new board and look at its cooldown timer counting down from 300 seconds and wait for that to reach 0 to post on /b/

please fix that

thank you

>get an e-mail, username, and register for github tl;dd instead of just posting on ononomous image board of the extensions origin that they pay attention to