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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 348


No.45208650 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /g/ think of Infinitechan? I like their open source model and the fact that there can be an infinite amount of boards which are controlled by us. Fuck, even /loli/ exists.
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No.45204446 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
best bbs service?

Votes and replies appreciated. Please respond.

Can't self-host right now. Need one immediately for a videogame I'm playing with some anon's. They just made 1 using some "gaymer" jew shit service and I'd like to at least make an alternative.


XKeyscore: Privacy doesn't exist Edition

No.35682918 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You faggots are always talking about PRISM and shit but now let me give you something really frightning.

>Accordingly to the explanation revealed by The Guardian, the analysts at NSA just need to have an e-mail for example to have real time acess to what you're doing and with no necessity of needing a warrant. Accordingly to the United States Law, a warrant is needed to spy on American citizens that are suspects in an investigation. If the targets are foreigns or North Americans talking with foreigners, there's no need for a warrant.
>Xkeyscore allows a search by name, cellphone number, IP adress, passwords and types of browser.
>Secret NSA documents also reveal the existence of a program called DNI Presenter that allows to have imediate acess to emails and private conversations on Facebook.

WAKE UP /g/. Put on your tinfoil hats and burn everything eletronic you own. Analog's the only way to go
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No.45191379 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hy there /g/, I require your assistance. As homework I need to implement several sorting algorithms in C and measure the number of steps it takes in order to calculate it's complexity. Now this in itself isn't hard however one of the algorithms is Block Sort. I tried reading the wikipedia article but I just can't understand anything and our teacher won't help us because it is a homework. Could someone please explain to me how Block Sort works and how I must implement?
1 post omitted

No.45177067 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mfw this has been discontinued
RIP, new Logitech mice look like shit.
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No.45147471 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

lets see what /g/ can do.
4 posts omitted

Lisp General: IGNORABLE

!!KH1sdwwfbWP No.45132664 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the Lisp General, ask any and all Lisp questions here. Below is a link to the general's pastebin which contains many links to various books, documentation, websites, and other interesting information.
Check the pastebin first:

>Here's the /g/ wiki's page on Lisp:

>To foster discussion:
Which dialect do you prefer?
Do you use Emacs or a different lisp-based editor?
What was your first experience with lisp?
What have you made in lisp?
What is your favorite Lisp program?
What do you like about Lisp?
How do you think Lisp is (one of) the superior programming language(s)?
How long have you been programming in Lisp?
What are your favorite Lisp resources? Please share, preferably links!
Is Lisp your main programming language or not? Regardless, what do you primarily use it for?
What would you like to see in the Lisp general?
What was your favorite aspect of the Lisp machines?
Do you think we'll ever get something similar to the LispMs again?
What is your preferred method of documenting your code?
In the dialects that allow it, do you make many reader macros or not?
Do you use more than one dialect? What are they and which do you prefer?
What do you consider the criteria for what constitutes a Lisp to be?
What is your favorite function in your chosen dialect(s)?
The previous thread:
149 posts and 12 images omitted

No.45127649 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you automatically make all fonts bold on every web page in Mozilla Firefox?

I searched it. But i can't find any answers.

It's all about automatically zooming. But I don't want to zoom anything. I just want everything to be bold on every page. I also know about tools>options>fonts&colors>advanced> and choosing your own font for all websites. But I want to keep the default font for all websites. I just want them all bold.

Please help me, /g/ - technology.

You're my only hope...


No.45086245 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>not using a neo900

No.44851449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /g/

I'm planning on writing a short passage on cryptography as part of my personal statement for Computer Science, and need a book that I can read. Any suggestions?

pic unrelated