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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 349

No.40332052 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
reminder that you can get a domain of .technology soon

you know, so you can get a portfolio site to get a thing called a job.
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No.45093821 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which popcorn time is the better one?

No.45093407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fastest way to learn Java, go.
4 posts omitted

Lisp General: STEP

!!KH1sdwwfbWP No.45000499 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This is the Lisp General, ask any and all Lisp questions here. Here's a link to the general's pastebin that contains many links to various books, documentation, websites, and other interesting information:

Check the pastebin:

Here's the /g/ wiki's page on Lisp:

>To foster discussion:
Which dialect do you prefer?
Do you use Emacs or a different lisp-based editor?
What was your first experience with lisp?
What have you made in lisp?
What is your favorite Lisp program?
What do you like about Lisp?
How do you think Lisp is (one of) the superior programming language(s)?
How long have you been programming in Lisp?
What are your favorite Lisp resources? Please share, preferably links!
Is Lisp your main programming language or not? Regardless, what do you primarily use it for?
What would you like to see in the Lisp general?
What was your favorite aspect of the Lisp machines?
Do you think we'll ever get something similar to the LispMs again?
What is your preferred method of documenting your code?
In the dialects that allow it, do you make many reader macros or not?
Do you use more than one dialect? What are they and which do you prefer?
What do you consider the criteria for what constitutes a Lisp to be?
What is your favorite function in your chosen dialect(s)?

The previous thread:
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No.44084992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why does this board get so many visitors from Reddit? I understand /b/, but why /g/? I first noticed this when the "image evolution" threads were posted, most of the download for the image evolution programs (written by a /g/ anon) were from people that came from Reddit threads.

a few moments ago a guy posted pic related and he deleted his thread when he saw my post.

On this thread: >>44084614

This was his reddit account(censored in the pic): member of reddit for 2 years and two time "gilder" (for non-autists that means paying real money to give premium accounts to other fedora-wearing retards on reddit).

>/u/Leinad177 has helped pay for 11.06 hours of reddit server time.

his most visited subreddits: depression, explainlikeIm5, suicidewatch, teenagers (le angsty teenager who wants to become programmer because he likes playing Call of Duty), stopdrinking, techsupport (probably goes there when he's tired of asking /g/), CODGhosts (shitty fps game), Dota2
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No.45003802 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
so, /g/ do you hide your porn?

I have a lengthy process that your common pleb wouldn't understand, but someone like your average /g/eek would wipe his ass with:

1. The folder is named " ` ", is on my desktop, and has a transparent .ico
2. Upon entering the folder, all you see is a .bat that, upon being clicked on, prompts user for a password in a separate CMD window
3. When correct password is put in, porn re-appears!
233 posts and 32 images omitted

No.45044822 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
17 posts and 2 images omitted

No.45046132 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what else can i install on this server?

right now i'm using it for openvpn.
9 posts and 1 image omitted

No.40294775 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Android ROMs
What are some of the most freedom respecting?
The most light-weight?
The most secure?
33 posts and 1 image omitted

No.45023708 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
tf realization that your only online-friend cut you off two months ago and doesn't want to talk anymore
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