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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 351


Reposting from yesterday

!!wWh0HBeXAek No.44691579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /g/
God it's been so long since I posted here. At least a year.
Anyways, I work in a Computer Repair shop. We also put together/setup/sell/whatever refurbished computers. I have a very particular way I like to configure Vista/7/8 when I set it up (change certain Windows settings, disable some "features" like IE, Media Center, etc), then I preload with some basic essential software that I have grown to like. Just wondering if anyone wants to add any softwarez to my list or suggest any changes.
> Chromium (would use Firefox, but boss wants Chrome)
> ----- ^ Adblock Plus extension for Chromium
> ----- ^ Empty New Tab Page extension for Chromium
> Windows Live Essentials (mainly just for Live Mail)
> Speccy
> CCleaner
> avast! (any better free AVs?)
> Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
> VLC media player
> LibreOffice (if it is a netbook I use AbiWord)
> Adobe Reader
> QtTabBar
> gdipp 0.7.6
> Java, Flash, Silverlight, .NET
> Classic Shell (if Windows 8)

Occasionally, I'll add:
> Notepad++
> Peazip
> qBittorrent

Anything I need to add? :)
Input is appreciated

Pic semi-related, it's my applications on my personal 8.1 machine
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Raspberry Pi

No.44836398 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just ordered a Rapsberry Pi B+ yesterday and looking for some ideas on what to do with it.
Any good ideas /g/?
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No.44961590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is no longer any catalog website or page that lists threads by activity

Previously there was one -

however as of the last few days, sort by activity is 100% broken, and chooses threads by some incorrect, broken metric.

this can be proven by comparing thread activity (which is measured in posts per minute) against foolz incorrect, broken, wrong, listings.

Why are there no websites that list by activity? Why is this forbidden, banned, censored knowledge?

This is being actively suppressed as well. Someone does not want YOU to know the most active, happening threads to be in.

How to FLAC Property Handler?

No.44958489 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you edit FLAC details in Explorer? Google brings up some "v0.3" .exe, and I can't find a .msi file. Does /g/ has any recommendations or a file uploaded somewhere? There was one link in the archive but it's since been removed.

State of Affairs: of Mathew Garrett, the FSF and RMS, or >in b4 tl;dr2

No.44816824 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last week, Matthew Garrett was appointed as a member of the board of directors of the FSF.

He has previously proven that he cares more for censorship than for freedom of speech. That he cares more for third-wave feminism than for freedom software. He has, for example, previously attacked RMS, branding him publicly as a misogynist, just due to his St. IGNUcious act, which he had done for 20 years prior to Garrett's opinion on the subject.

More recently, though, he proved to be more interested in third-wave feminism than in software freedom when he abandoned the intel free driver community in protest of Intel's decision of taking a neutral stance when it comes to supporting third-wave feminism. And then he censored every dissenting point in his lj and twitter, in a very unprofessional fashion if I might add, by either editing every dissenting comment or replying to every one with "fart fart fart".

So ever since Garrett was appointed to the board of directors of the FSF, /g/ has been crying in despair, because the FSF stands for freedom of speech and Garrett clearly stands for the opposite.

On saturday, I wrote an email on the subject to RMS (the FSF founder and president, if some of you aren't aware). It's on this thread: >>44752165

He replied the same day, but given that I had asked for permission to post his reply on /g/ and he didn't address the point, I tried to be courteous enough to send a reply, ask for his permission again, and wait until I had it to post his replies.

It took 3 emails to get him to address the point - and he said he didn't give me permission to post his emails, because he hadn't been writing for publication - even though I had been asking for publication permission in every single email.

Continued in the second post.
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No.44920674 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If I'm going to learn to code from scratch should I use an IDE or not?
41 posts and 4 images omitted

Hit this

No.44917511 View ViewReplyOriginalReport Stress Testing my game server. help me out and see how much my server can take please...
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No.44903762 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 post omitted

No.44900862 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm looking for a file-sorter program that sorts all my pictures. I just want my pics to be sorted by filetype ('.jpg, .gif, .png') I'm using windows. FOSS will be preferred but any program will be fine.

No.44880366 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Samsung promised "tilt and rotation sensitivity" for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 S-Pen. They didn't deliver and there is no tilt and no rotation sensitivity in any provided application. The Note 3 and Note 4 pens work interchangeably so there is probably no hardware modification either.

Samsung promised major features and didn't deliver. Why has no tech news site picked this up? Is everybody bribed by Samsung?
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